Most of the time Dr.s will take this approach as well. "Try them all until you find one that works." However I feel that the public is very misinformed about SSRIs, how they theoretically work, and what they can potentially do in the long run. I took Paxil years ago for social anxiety before I ever suspected I had AS. Like many that get talked into taking them, I thought what's the big deal with giving it a try? I mean, if the side effects out weigh the benefits I'll just stop, right? Here's the thing, I had no problem with Paxil for a few years and it seemed to take the edge off so I kept taking it. Then I accidently found out about "discontinuation syndrome" when I forgot to bring my meds with me on vacation. They call it discontinuation syndrome, I call it withdrawl. Apparently around 40% of the people who quit experience horrible long lasting withdrawls. Then I read somewhere about tolerance in SSRIs and how after so many years most people have had to increase the dose for it to keep working the same. Well, what happens when you've increased it to the max? You're left with 2 options. Obtain more illegally or quit your drug before it quits on you. I didn't like the idea of any drug I did'nt absolutly need having so much control, so I took option 2.
Two months of horrifying WDs, of vomiting everything was able to eat, of anorexia, dizzyness, hallucinations, crying for reasons even I couldn't explain to myself, lethargy and zero motivation to do anything before I gave up and went back on the stuff. A year later I tried again, this time overlapping with Prozac and was finally successfull. I quit Prozac 6 months later which was easier, but it still took at least a year to get back to the way I felt before the drug. Imagine, my goal state of mind was how I was before, back when I thought I needed help in the first place.
I don't want to scare anyone or tell them what to do, but I've always felt the obligation to warn others after what I went through. My advise is that you should do alot of carefull research and try as many other options as you can first, even if they're less convienient than taking pills. There's a forum called PaxilProgress that can give you an idea of what almost half of us Paxil quitters have gone through. Occasionally Zoloft quitters wander in too, since it's very similar to Paxil although slightly milder. Please go there, it's a great place to ask questions and to see another side the story if you're really serious about taking an SSRI of any kind.