Hello Everyone,
I am a new member and an NT (for whatever that's worth...) I came to this site because for the last few months I have been involved with a wonderful man who lives about a thousand miles from me. He is smart, funny, and creative...and different from anyone I know. I am fairly positive he has undiagnosed Asperger's or is otherwise on the autism spectrum.
My boyfriend is planning on moving here in March, and we are both really looking forward to it. I really, really want our relationship to work! But I need some advice and people to talk to who understand. As far as I know, I don't know anyone on the autism spectrum and, although I have not done an exhaustive search, I can't find any experts in the area (Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York.) I have read everything on Asperger's, High Functioning autism, PPD-NOS, NLD that I can get my hands on!
I hoping I would be able to present my (very long and growing all the time) list of observations and that some of you would be able to say "yes, I think you're on the right track" or "no, I think you're off base" as far as him being on the spectrum. I realize, of course, that it is impossible to diagnose someone in this way, I'm just hoping to get a general idea as to whether I am way off base.
When I mentioned Asperger's to my boyfriend, he had never heard of it, but he was open to the possiblity. I suggested he mention it to his therapist, feeling certain his therapist would agree with my conclusions and then we would have a "professional" involved. I am not a mental health professional, and do not feel comfortable with either making or presenting a diagnosis. Unfortunately, the only one who seems to be having an "ah ha" moment is me, and my plan seems to have backfired -- the therapist said my boyfriend was "too normal" and "not autistic enough" and suggested that I might be one of those people who has to diagnose everyone (I swear, I don't.)
My boyfriend's mother (he's in his 40's and lives with his parents) confided in me that she and her husband have thought -- ever since the Asperger's diagnosis came out -- that my boyfriend has Asperger's. But she hasn't told my BF this.
I don't want to push this diagnosis on him, especially if I'm on the wrong track. But from everything I've read, it seems important in an NT/AS relationship for both partners to be in agreement as to the possible existence of AS.
If, after you've looked at my observations, you do agree that he likely is on the spectrum, I'm hoping for some advice as to how to proceed.
SO...would it be okay to run my observations by you all? If so, what catagory should I post them in??
As an aside, for those of you who are seeking relationship advice from an NT -- I would be happy to relate the story of how I met my boyfriend, because it really seemed like an ideal way for an NT/AS couple to get off to a great start!
Thank you so much!! !