MDB wrote:
This sound like communism – where everyone lives in equal poverty!
If we were to raise taxes on people who are successful they would simply go to another country to work where they can get more money. This would have a negative affect economy as a whole as there would be no one qualified to be in the top positions. This skill shortage would result in a down turn for economy as a whole affecting every body.
Like it or there are some people who falsely claim incapacity benefit. If they are targeted it frees up money for those who genuinely need it. Every body wins.
Will people here stop getting comunism mixed up with socialism. RobertN is socialist and has said so many times. I suspect some people are using the word communism and bringing up the Soviet Union and China (when they are forced dictatorships and not true communism) as a straw man argument. There are enough resources in the world for everyone to live comfortably. Capitalists were quick to take advantage of the slave trade and lots are still giving practically slave wages. Under socialism people would still get paid more for acheiving higher qualified posts just not the big fat differences in living standards there is now.
It is true that businesses would leave here under socialism but we could still get by and would be a model for the rest of the world to eventually turn socialist. Dont forget though that businesses are rapidly moving away from here to relocate in countries where they can openly get away with paying employees $1 a day for long hours. Cuba is a deperately poor country but under their brand of socialism (while not agreeing with all of it) no-one is dying out of hunger like they were under American influenced mob controlled capitalism.
The people who falsely claim incapacity benefit are the very people who will see the right doctors and fight tooth and nail to make sure they get it. It is usually the poor, disabled and frequently old vulnerable people that dont make the same fuss, that will be hounded out of their benefits. I dont see how making things harder for those people would be a good thing.
The Jobcentre people should work harder at finding employment that leaves people better off than they are under their benefits instead of tring to trick people into jobs they cant do then take their benefit away when it is proved to be the case they cant do it. Too many people work hard yet still live under the poverty line. This is inexcusable in today's society when a country such has Norway for example has 0% living under the poverty line (yes even the no-good lazy scrounging skivers that collect benefits) because nobody is expected to live in squalor.
The goverment should raise the minimum wage and benefits to a level that allows everyone to live comfortably and the rich should be taxed for this. Any resistance out of them and they should immediately be spit-roasted and served to the masses.