hmmm... ill tell what i did back in school when i was bullied.
first few years of elementary i just did not do anything. i had hardly physical strenght, and everyone bullieing was either older or in a group.
later on, last 2 years of elementary school i turned to be the tallest and strongest in class, being accompanied with jiu-jiutsu classes made me change. at first, i still got bullied. i would find the strongest of the group and beat the s**t out of him while the rest watched, but made sure it was off school property. sometimes even had to face more then 1. (good thing that if i get pissed off my nerves get shut down...i wont feel anything in relation to pain)
after a while it was known they'd better stop bullieing me if they did not want ending up at the doctor (i never hitted the faces or genetals. always a body part they'd get bruises, and would hurt like hell, but would not show any blood or something)
so, after me they started picking on other people. As I understood the situation, i became a haven. since if i'd notice a bully id beat the crap out of him if the bullee'd (screw spelling) asked me for help.
then, mid school came. lasted 2 years on strong christian school before kicked out. never had a single day i did not run into trouble. but the crazy i got while pissed, i would take (at age 12-13) no fear, and if attacked, even fight an 17 or 18 year old. no matter who i would not bow down and get myself beaten up or scolded at. some people feared me, as i'd show my strenght without regards. some people, just like in elementary, would find a haven in me. some would just not get in my way.
after i got kicked out because of an incident with a teacher, i went to a school for hard to raise children, where i met people of age 12-18 who had already been in prison, taken drugs, armed robbery and what not. I had learned to be carefull with people at a new place, but never to show any sign of fear. this made me accepted yet not bullied (well not often anyway, and i'd get someone to join me and talk to the person. if that didnt stop it i asked for a contest in the gym, with any physical contact sport. boxing, wrestling, karate, judo, jiu-jiutsu no matter what, i would do it. it got me a few bruises, but alot of respect aswell. i just would never give up. if hit and fallen down, id get back up. i NEVER laid down and left it at what it was.
after a year i finished school there, since i skipped a grade. exams school. ended up being the youngest in my class...and probably of the whole school. was 15 years old, the second youngest in my class being 17. however, these people, where mostly adults, or close to it. would not pick a fight, and if they would, only verbally. no physical contact.
you may choose to go down my path, but be prepared for the happening of severe bruises, staying late as punishment, alot of talking with teachers (just sit back and let them rant, while going into your own universe leaving only your physical self behind)