I never wanted an IQ test because I really didn't want to know. I had exceeded in some classes and had a so much trouble in others. I was even labeled a slow learner which I now doubt. I never did like the standarized IQ tests. I did, however take a class in college about the studies of how the right and the left brain work. We took an exam about ourselves. We were to find out which side of the brain we used most. So, we got clumped into groups after the exam. I was clumped into the R group which meant that I was using mostly the right side of my brain. Of course their were seemingly, and maybe it was the amount of people in the class, more people than any that were grouped into the L group, those who used mostly the left part of the brain. Anyway, it seemed like their were way more students on that side. Then their were some put in the middle who used both sides of the brain. They were considered extrordinarily adaptable. I guess it depends on each individual. My group, the right side, studies or learns better by visual stimuli. So they basically tought us how to study and learn by using things such as audio, books, things like that. I guess this got wordy. So, yes I doubt my IQ.