Smelena, when I read posts like yours I get really fired up because it is obvious the Special Ed teacher doesn't know what the hell she's doing and I get fed up hearing about teachers who get these jobs, yet have no inkling about how to educate kids on the spectrum.
All of my kid's therapists used kitchenetts, doll houses, play houses, work benches, and tons of board games to build upon a variety of deficits that ranged from speech to cognition to life skills. Some of those toys that we take for granted are used to get spectrum kids understanding and utilizing skills in every aspect of thier lives. Why on earth would any teacher say these aren't important and yank them away? Plus, any teacher who doesn't know the benefits of boards games to spectrum kids needs to have her ass fired yesterday. Board games zone in on the most important deficits: attention, concentration, patterning, sequencing, follow-through and cognition. And, that's just to start. Then, you have speech aide, vocuabulary, annunciation, rhyming, word identifical, spelling, even math. We even use board games at home to work with him.
I don't want to bash teachers, but all too many of them get their credentials, yet, don't know the first thing about Autism or teaching the kids. Hell, I could walk into a classroom and do a much better job at teaching spectrum kids just from what I've witnessed in my own kid's therapies.
And, the part about the teacher not wanting to read your emails? You're communicating with the teacher, which is something teachers complain that parents never do. You're taking time out to communicate and she choses to ignore that. Let me stop now.