YEP! Ihave said here before how I used to be overly generous, etc... I learned LONG ago(Like when I was FIVE!! !! !) that it is unlikely I would be paid back, so I never really loan money.
The last book I loaned, at the PLEADING of a coworker was, AS I PREDICTED EVEN TO HIS FACE(though he insisted I was wrong), NOT returned! I lost 4 books that way, and I am sure most aren't replacable.
As for paying too much? If you try to buy a car for example. My first car cost about $14496. Statistically, through a "little" lie, the average car dealer will try to make the cost about $18240!! !! ! On my last car, they tried to pull the SAME garbage! You fight, and fight, and fight, and find a charge they trew in for thousands and just say OK, FORGET IT, have it your way.... DUMB, I know, but I wasted so much time, and needed a car. 8-(
As for work? I almost always end up doing everything, only to get blamed if their goals aren't met. I end up doing the stuff because it is done WRONG, or is taking too long. One process I did on this project saves over 10 hours on some days, and I may not even get proper credit for that. The idiot that created the stupid program I replaced is still there, though he should have been fired.
I mean his program took 2 hours to do something mine did in 8 SECONDS!?!?!? And then he comes to ask me how I made mine work so fast!?!?!? Mine was SLOW! I COULD have written it in C and done the work in like 3 seconds, but I figured a few seconds for simplicity was a good tradeoff. but HOURS!?!? And his was MORE complicated than mine.