The courts are NOT supposed to help criminals, etc.... Their job is to INCARCERATE AND PUNISH those that unjustly hurt people. ***********PERIOD************! If criminals are insane, crazy, etc... that makes them MORE of a danger, and they should be treated accordingly.
Where people get the idea that those that are mentally infirmed in such a manner should have MORE rights/freedom is BEYOND me. Frankly, if I were king, every person SUGGESTING that type of thought would be locked up as a traitor to society and humanity. I mean a sane person that kills a person raping his wife can be locked up forever while a crazy person killing all blonds is set free? RIDICULOUS! If a black kills a just white, it may be ok. If a white kills a criminal black, it may be looked at as a "hate" crime, and he may be up for life. If the victim happens to be a police officer, FORGET IT!
Yeah, anyone that claims to have AS should have their psychiatrist ready and that psychiatrist should be ready to meet the FULL FORCE of law! If s/he lies, s/he should be ready to be THROWN IN JAIL for contempt of court and perjury, and have his/her license pulled, and be fined, for malpractice!
If you ask me, the AS only means misunderstandings, and actions, can be magnified, and they may be more sensitive, and thus likely to act. Outside of those being mitigating factors, it shouldn't have any bearing on the case. That woman "astronaut" that drove all that way, for example, went TOO far.