I remember one Christmas, when I was telling my Nana how conservative I was, for a fifteen year old, when she told me how conservative English people are. Nana said, "That's different. You're just a little bit slow. You're on a different wavelength than everybody else." I didn't want to visit my grandparents for a very long time, after that. It got to the point, that I would have rather have went to church with some loser who gave up on me, in the end, than go to see my grandparents, on my Nana's Birthday. I went, anyways. There was one day that the power went out, in my High School and I didn't want to go. I've stayed in bed and played hookie, all day. My mum noticed that I haven't been myself lately, and she asked me what happened. I've asked her, if she remembered me complaining of headaches and stomach aches, after we had Christmas dinner. I've preceded to tell her that I was having them, because Nana told me that I was a little bit "Slow", before that dinner. My mum told me that Nana doesn't know autism like the rest of the family does, and that I didn't come close to being slow. She told me that she worked with a woman at McDonald's who was a little bit slow, and that the woman kept getting the wrong things out of the freezer, at her work. I was more willing to visit my grandparents, after my mum had that little talk with me, and I didn't try to escape to another room, when I was at their house, anymore.
The Family Enigma