I'm getting the feeling that one of my two roommates, who happens to be the more introverted of the two and a computer science major like me, is a little annoyed at my sleeping in so late on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays when I don't have class till 2:30 in the afternoon. It's not that I'm sleeping till 11:30 in the morning to piss him off, but I need a healthy amount of sleep; and, if they're going to be up clacking away on their computers until 3:00 A.M., it is to be expected, I'd think.
A few days ago, we created our official roommate contract, signed and everything. We agreed to be courteous about each other's sleep schedules and have a lights-out policy after 2:00 A.M. However, both my roommates seem to be much less sensitive to noise and light, so they can't really seem to get it through their heads that, just because I'm in bed, doesn't mean I'm able to fall asleep—even if they've turned their desk lamps off. I have a hard enough time falling asleep to begin with. Their typing and moving their mice and the light radiating from their screens do keep me awake as much as the main room light being on! I also seem to need more sleep than either of them do (maybe because I have so much trouble falling asleep) and am a pretty light sleeper usually too (luckily, if I'm woken up, I can fall back to sleep more easily than initially usually).
This hasn't become a huge problem yet, but; despite the roommate contract, I have a feeling this problem could come to a head eventually. My roommate, the computer science major one, has stated that he's both a "morning person" and gets by fine with only about six to seven hours of sleep per night. He said, on weekends, he can understand "sleeping in" (by which he seems to mean till 9:00); but, if he's got to get something done, he won't feel bad if the noise wakes someone up. I don't know if he means this will become a fixture for weekends in the dorm room (his getting up at 9:00 or 10:00 Saturday and Sunday mornings just to do some calculus homework or whatever he works on into the latest hours of the night).
My roommate was trying to downplay the disturbance his desk lamp causes to my sleep by saying the light would shine more on the other roommate's bed than mine. But that doesn't take into account different levels of sensitivity!
I was trying to tell them how even the noise of the air conditioner (which is a must) makes it harder for me to fall asleep and that, as far as my body is concerned, having a desk lamp on is equivalent to having floodlights on because the result is the same: I can't fall asleep. The self-described morning person thought that, if I set most of the rules for bedtimes, I'd be "controlling" the room. I told him, further, that noise and sound really didn't bother me much when I was awake; I can study with all kinds of noise going on around me; it's only falling asleep that makes the issues issues.
I'm just worried these sensory and schedule differences might create conflict, which I want to avoid. One of my roommates seems deadset on following his sleep schedule come hell or high water even though it ruins mine. What is the solution?