TLPG wrote:
Absolutely! I'm a classic case - not knowing what was going on until I was DXed. Mind you in 1997 Aspergers was still fairly new to most psych's despite the DSM-IV being three years old at the time.
yes, I am a classic case, as well, although I was 47 years old in 1997 and didn't realize I was AS until last year! No one pointed out AS symptoms. . .I recognized it immediately when I heard a description and educated myself about it.
The best part of knowing is going so much easier on myself.
I used to beat myself up because I couldn't fit in and keep up (and anything requiring mirror neurons was sheer torture!) but now. . I smile and focus on my other skills I am good at!
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
Last edited by sinsboldly on 29 Feb 2008, 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.