My avatar is a picture of me. Just read the caption to get the date. (dates have always been important to me)
You know, it's funny, Scoots, I know that you're much older now, but whenever you describe something that you've done in your posts, I picture you as you look in your avatar photo doing it
. Why did you choose to use a picture from 1982?
My avatar is a lynx. I love felines of all types, and lynx is sort of like a totem animal for me. It represents my personality, quiet, a loner, an observer, and contemplative (but also prone to bouts of silly playfulness). As totem animals go, the lynx traditionally represents secrets, and seeing the hidden aspects of things. Lynxes were thought to be in tune with other realms/wavelengths because of their keen sight and because of the tufts on their ears (which look like receptors of some kind).