Tim_Tex wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Long distance relationships are very difficult, if you were able to feel like you had two way loyalty and a sense of reality in the relationship you're probably already a better man than I am in that regard.
I am hopelessly attracted to someone who currently lives 300 miles away, but she shot me down solely because of the distance, despite the fact that we were probably perfect for each other.
I think, unless its a mutual no-brainer, there are always a lot of insecurities surrounding it. Each person involved can easily feel like its not fully real, for a woman the guy probably can't be there enough, same for the guy and he most often will know in the back of his head that she probably has equal or better options a lot closer at hand than a thousand or more miles away. Its why I'd never long-distance date anyone I had to make efforts or overtures to win over, unless its such a supernatural 'love of a lifetime' thing where it all practically falls into place on their own it feels too sketchy and unstable a situation. Regardless of how much you may be able to expect of yourself also, part of what nags at you is the understanding that you can't really expect much from other people and long distance fidelity does feel from one's own end like its asking a lot.
From what the OP said it sounds like it may very well have been some of these factors in his case that got the best of him in the end - I could be wrong and I wouldn't want to project on him, but still I do think its best for him to remember that if any of these things applied it very easily could have been the nature of the relationship that was part of the problem (and while he'll probably blame himself amply he's likely to be too hard on himself if he doesn't take that into account let alone possibly make the same mistake twice).