paigetheoracle wrote:
I've noticed that all through my adult life I've been targeted by NT's as their idea of being a homosexual - has this happened to you as well and are we more likely to be so or at least effeminate/ forever Peter Pans, and is this where these numbskulls get this idea because of their fear and ignorance of anything different, including the inner life they deny in themselves?
Rarely. It only came up during my teens when I noted that I had no interest whatsoever in the opposite sex. This was also true of the same sex, but I was picked on for it none the less because I wasn't performing my manly duties. For a while, I tried playing the Good Christian role, but I really couldn't tell any difference between praying and talking to any of the other hypothetical people that I used to chat with. After actually doing some valid research on the guy, I realized that the ones I made up tended to be better company. That ended, I started calling myself a "pansexual" because I realized that it wasn't really practical for me to make such a momentous decision at so young an age. For example, what if I had called myself a heterosexual, attempted to make a normal marriage, and realized only after several unhappy years that I had made a mistake? That happened to my boyfriend, after all. It's not something I wanted to do. What if I had gotten it into my head that I was a transsexual, gotten a sex change, and realized, again, that I had jumped to the wrong conclusion? Kids don't know what the Hell they want at that age, I knew it, and I wasn't about to settle on anything other than a purely explorative, experimental role. As with everything, I wanted to make sure that I was right before settling upon something that I would be committed to. Commitment is something that I treat very seriously, most of the time.
It did turn out that I was a gay man. However, I really found it offensive that a lot of these guys were giving me crap over being interested in their rumps when I didn't consider myself old enough or mature enough to be interested in anything except trying to succeed in school and succeed at life. I was never on board with the idea that young people should engage in reproductive acts before they're even old enough to deliver healthy children. Spartan women weren't expected to have their first child until they were about 18 years old, and this was unusual of Greek culture. Their progeny were warriors and conquerers, though, and among the bravest of Greeks. Ironically to the conversation, their downfall was a bunch of obnoxious fags who actually did have an interest in each other's fannies.
Frankly, though, my worst experience with this was just after I'd started the process of being discharged from Basic Combat Training (it wasn't a decision I made lightly. My immune system hadn't gotten any better since childhood, and I would have been nothing but a burden for the military. It's some kind of histamine imbalance, and it leaves me wide open to infections of every kind imaginable). Some fat loser had been making my life miserable, so I told him he was a ret*d fat-ass. The next day, the sergeant who was in charge of the company grilled me for an hour or so about what I meant by that. The stupid b***h was really convinced that I was attracted to that as*hole. That made it pretty well established that the DADT policy is violated all the time. In fact, it seems to be outright ignored. By the way, this was the same asshat who later raped the only person who'd said a single kind word to me from the minute I'd signed up. I still wish death on that guy. I hope he's miserable, wherever he is, and I hope the b***h platoon sergeant who gave me all that Hell,
on behalf of that self-same ret*d, is pan-handling on the street. It's the worst experience I've ever had with homophobia, and it's one of the things that made me realize
why it's childish and shameful. Now, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't on my best behavior during training. I'm an Aspie, and it's no work or occasion for me to say a clear and simple truth. I was self-admittedly still a child, and it's perfectly just to say that I behaved like one. However, here's another clear and simple truth: I am not impressed with what I saw of the U.S. Army. I saw and experienced many things during B.C.T., and this is only the
second worst thing that I remember happening there.
Homophobia and prejudice against people affected with psychiatric disorders are equal in both viciousness and pointlessness. One of my best friends in the world had to drop out of school because his ADHD diagnosis left him subject to prejudice from both teachers and fellow students. He didn't get extra help, when it was realized that he was in need. They just set out to help put him down. People who engage in such prejudicial behavior should, themselves, be forced to have their heads examined, so we can find out what's so wrong with their minds that they can't internalize the idea that their cruelty is not something that is considered acceptable in a civilized world.