(If this is a repeat post or in the wrong sub-forum, I apologize. I looked around for some time and couldn't find anything relating to my question.)
To make a long story short, I've had a bad time of it this last month. My Aspergers is really "bipolar"... I'll go through months of being fine, then in the space of a day or two, drop back down to near-incompetence. It can last from a week to several months. Can't sketch, have a hard time writing, and sometimes I can't even comprehend words on a page. At the moment, this "drop" is making things extra-difficult because I've just started back on my self-directed homeschooling, and I was trying to get through my last year before things got bad again. Go figure, they got bad just after I started up the schoolwork again.
So my query is, is there any medication -- natural or prescription -- that you find helps the symptoms of Aspergers and related disorders? At the moment I'm trying L-theanine, but I've been on it for 5 days and haven't noticed any change. I'm kind of leery to go back on prescription meds, but at this point, if it'll help I'm all for it. Also, are there any specific types of therapy that help more than others? The only mental health resource I have is the local free-of-charge Mental Health Clinic, which is fairly good but I'm not sure if any of the therapists are trained in the sliding scale of autistic disorders. I've been there several times in the past for anxiety therapy, but not for my Aspergers or depression.