equinn wrote:
"But I will try to pay more attention to when our son does this, what time of day, season, weather, and if he's stressed or relaxed or what."
I would relax. Also, why are you going to tape him doing this? I think you need to redirect your attention somewhere else. Most posters have told you it sounds like a tic--common even in NT kids. Let him know it's irritating you in a kind way and then each time he does it tell him he needs to sip some water. This will, at the very least, redirect his attention. You might also tell him that he could make his throat sore by doing that constantly.
How would you explain taping him? Would you do it behind his back? Sounds a bit odd.
I'm going to add that becausee he's on three different meds, his tic could be more severe (if he's doing it every couple seconds) and maybe the meds are making him anxious--you might want to work on decreasing one or two of these. Three meds every day is quite a bit for a youngster. Why is he take so many medications? I bet you're giong to tell me it's because of his anxiety--therin lies the irony.
I'm going to try to be mindful in my response here because I feel like I just got rather unfairly jumped on.
Firstly, our son is on two medications, not three. He is definitely not "overmedicated."
If I ignore things or miss his behaviors, I'm not concerned enough or paying enough attention. If I pay attention (because I find it interesting and want to help if I can), I'm being "overly anxious" and probably infecting him with my issues as an insufferable helicopter parent.
I was just CURIOUS about it, not upset about it. Just because a handful of people here tell me "Yeah it's probably a tic" doesn't mean it absolutely IS a tic (my husband still isn't convinced, for instance).
Now for the tape recording:
-WHY was I going to try it? Because so often we have no documentation for our son's behaviors other than our own experience. I'm often told it's good to document if you can, and right now we're in the process of gathering as much info on him as we can for his next school district. Also it's good to know what he's doing to explain it to friends and relatives when they ask.
-HOW was I going to do this without him noticing? That's easy - just turn the tape recorder on in the same room with him when he's playing video games and grunting. He didn't notice. Half an hour later I turned the recorder off and removed it. I didn't mention the tic to him again, because several other people suggested I just leave him be and not make him more anxious. Was that "wrong", too? I mean it's a little annoying but I don't really mind him doing it if it makes him feel better.
Again, I don't know how you got the idea he's on so many medications. He takes Concerta and Tenex. He's never had any troubles with his meds, and we haven't switched them around.