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02 Apr 2008, 11:16 pm

what do you find beautiful?
(1) about or in your self
(2) about or in other people
(3) about or in nature
(4) about or in life.
(5) about or in existance
(6) about or in (other)


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02 Apr 2008, 11:38 pm

Lovely questions to be asking!

What do I find beautiful?

1) In myself -- that I totally enjoy this world
2) In others -- that there is an amazing amount of kindness in people that I see everyday
3) In nature -- I find the colors in nature astonishingly beautiful
4) About life -- that there's always a chance to improve and fix mistakes that you thought weren't fixable
5) About existence -- that eventually, I will get to meet my maker, and he will help me to make sense of it all
6) About my son who is on the spectrum -- that he is the most truly spiritual, good person I've ever met



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02 Apr 2008, 11:46 pm

about or in your self:

My blue eyes, the sound of my voice, my thick blonde hair and my smile.

about or in other people:

Their smiles. Real, genuine smiles.

about or in nature:

The sun, moon and stars.

about or in life:

Pregnancy and birth.

about or in existance:

That people have the ability to love and be loved.

about or in (other):

Anime characters.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Apr 2008, 12:03 am

(1) about or in your self ---- im happy that i am who i am and that i have gotten this far in life
(2) about or in other people -----peoples willingness to listen when i need an ear
(3) about or in nature ------the fact that it is so peaceful and just a great place to escape the hectic world
(4) about or in life. ------that although there have been stumbles i am alive and healthy and people love me and care for me
(5) about or in existance -----that god gave me the opportunity to live my life and feel all of its pains and pleasures
(6) about or in (other)-----love-----because i know i am loved and i know i will find it, it keeps me going

look a cotton ball 8O KILL IT :twisted:

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Snowy Owl

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03 Apr 2008, 12:13 am

aspergian_mutant wrote:
what do you find beautiful?
(1) about or in your self : my eyes
(2) about or in other people : patience
(3) about or in nature : trees
(4) about or in life. : art
(5) about or in existance : the unusual
(6) about or in (other)
: color

sorry i had to use quote to make my answers

my short term memory is nonexistent

Life is what you see inside and outside, not about words symbolizing the visual.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Apr 2008, 1:35 am

(1) about or in your self
my sense of justice
(2) about or in other people
their ability to love and forgive
(3) about or in nature
the oceans
(4) about or in life.
how it gives second chances
(5) about or in existence
how it's temporary and force us to treasure every single day
(6) about or in (my brother)
whom i argue with all the time but can never get angry at because though he has faults he is essentially a great person.


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03 Apr 2008, 3:45 am

what do i find beautiful? ... -4865.html


i am that which i am...


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03 Apr 2008, 4:30 am

What I find beautiful?
(1) about or in myself - I like being me
(2) about or in other people - variety
(3) about or in nature - we're all part of it
(4) about or in life - there's a general nature for goodness
(5) about or in existance - I am and you are
(6) about or in anything else - dont know 'till I find it


mostly harmless


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07 Apr 2008, 4:35 am

what do you find beautiful?
(1) about or in your self: a joke told to myself, and much appreciated by myself
(2) about or in other people: Kindness
(3) about or in nature: stars, astounding rocks and minerals
(4) about or in life: music
(5) about or in existance: goodness
(6) about or in (other): something that doesn't say much but seems to say it all


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07 Apr 2008, 8:36 am

what do you find beautiful?
(1) about or in your self- my personality
(2) about or in other people- intelligence
(3) about or in nature heavy rain
(4) about or in life. heavy rain
(5) about or in existance anime
(6) about or in (other) virtual reality


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07 Apr 2008, 11:52 pm

what do you find beautiful?
(1) about or in your self--my laugh/sense of humor and my analytical nature
(2) about or in other people--innocence, faith (mainly in the non-religious sense), trust, hope
(3) about or in nature--colors, textures, patterns, life functions on a molecular level
(4) about or in life--everything, even matter and energy never cease, they merely change form
(5) about or in existence--from nothing but atoms and molecules somehow came life, and from those single cells, somehow came HUMANITY...and I am in absolute awe of humans, despite our numerous flaws and screw-ups
(6) about or cats--even though they make messes, cost money, break things, and can smell like something died inside them and the demon was exorcised through their butts, they can also always put a smile on my face, no matter what I've dealt with during the day. Unconditional love is beautiful.


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08 Apr 2008, 12:07 am

what do you find beautiful?
(1) about or in your self...
I guess the ideas I have, I'm not one to compliment myself.

(2) about or in other people...
Faces, and hair.

(3) about or in nature...
The clouds, and trees. How many guys out there actually enjoy watching the sunset?

(4) about or in life...
The way a conversation with another human being can change your life, and the ability of one statement to forever ruin or make better your day.

(5) about or in existance...
A lot of things.

(6) about or in (other)
I have trouble with really considering something beautiful, it's something I really only have a small grasp of understanding. But when you look into the eyes of another person and see something inside of them that makes your life feel better, what else could be better?
