I certainly didn't fall in love with my wife because I was afraid of what she might do to me otherwise - fact is, she would have utterly ignored me otherwise.
No, I fell in love with her "for no reason".
In my personal theology, which differs from the standard issue in more ways than I'm prepared to go into just now, Hell is a place of one's own making - in order to get there, you have to deny God in this life; to stay there, you have to continue to deny Him even when He's just rubbed your nose in His existence. I believe sincere penitence can get you out of Hell, although the nature of that penitence may become more severe, depending on exactly why you're there in the first place (no, Hitler doesn't just get to say, "Oops, my bad. Sorry," and get to Heaven - he would have to show his penitence somehow).
I don't think I could love a Supreme Being who runs His own private torture chamber, with no escape. That's not love - that's terror. My love for God stems more from an appreciation of His aesthetics and sense of humor (come on, what humorless deity is going to make the platypus?), and for the wonders of the Universe around us.
(Note to the overly-literal: I use a male pronoun here because this language forces one to choose a gender pronoun for a living entity, and that's the one I'm used to. I'm not claiming God is male, nor female, nor both, nor neither - what would I know about a deity's sex life, anyway?)
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.