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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Apr 2008, 10:53 am

some people point out that i think too much, which is true,
my mind is constanly at work, i even had an imaginary conversation between my brain and myself (i know it sounds weird)
Sometimes, more than two people are involved.

anyway, i was wondering whether i am alone at this
also, i had grey hairs and im only 23, people say its because im thinking too much, its this true?


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15 Apr 2008, 11:01 am

People tell me I think too much; I've never quite been able to understand what it means. Do most people have times when they're not thinking?

"I don't even know how to explain it, but this is not my dimension, and my mind is never at peace; it's always somewhere else." - Josh Groban, Alla Luce Del Sole


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15 Apr 2008, 11:15 am

AngelUndercover wrote:
People tell me I think too much; I've never quite been able to understand what it means. Do most people have times when they're not thinking?

I never understood this either, i constantly think about something or other :roll:


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15 Apr 2008, 11:17 am

Never understood that. My mind is constantly going. ALL the time. And yes, I have conversations in my own head too, with more than one person.

My mother tells me to stop thinking sometiems....I laugh. How does one stop thinking. I can sometiems switch what I'm thinking about....but quiet? Never.


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15 Apr 2008, 11:19 am

Stop thinking? Cant imagine that :P It sounds really weird to me, a person cant just shut down his own mind.

Emu Egg
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15 Apr 2008, 11:34 am

To stop thinking...what would that feel like? I can't imagine it, personally.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Apr 2008, 11:41 am

Couldn't imagine not thinking.


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15 Apr 2008, 12:07 pm

Of course it happens to me. I have no idea why, but I love my inner conversations, I like my inner discussions more though since I always get new conclusions from that stuff.

I have no idea if this is normal, and I have no way to prove it one way or the other. On the other hand I'd say that at least many script writers suffer from this as well since it is usual to see characters doing that in TV...


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15 Apr 2008, 12:21 pm

One of the first exercises in any school of mysticism is to learn to silence the inner voice in order to percieve even deeper levels of the spirit or psyche. It is something all humans who use language tend to do, though from what I've read, Aspies and OCDers are more prone to the sort of constant inner monologue, or even talking or mumbling to oneself. If not focued on a specific task, I talk to myself constantly, though I learned very young that when another person enters the room you should internalize it, lest they think you're insane.

Also, I think due to the social limitations of AS and, as I've told some: I think clearly, I think deeply, but I do not think quickly - thus, if I expect to have to confront someone in a situation that's likely to cause a disagreement, I practice the argument from every side repeatedly playing both parts, so I don't get blindsided with something I'm at a loss to respond to, which lends itself toward first shutdown, then meltdown.


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15 Apr 2008, 12:44 pm

I have a very strong inner monologue. It's the very thing that gets me through life.

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Tufted Titmouse
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15 Apr 2008, 1:05 pm

samantca wrote:
Stop thinking? Cant imagine that :P It sounds really weird to me, a person cant just shut down his own mind.

i think this is one of those oxymoron you know, by not thinking, does not that means you are in fact are thinking about not thinking? by thinking about not thinking, you are telling your brain to stop thinking, aii,,,Its confusing..........

glad to know that im not only one constantly thinking to myself up to the point im mumble most of the stuff inside my head. is this is a sign of AS or just something that everyone does?


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15 Apr 2008, 1:14 pm

herakh wrote:
samantca wrote:
Stop thinking? Cant imagine that :P It sounds really weird to me, a person cant just shut down his own mind.

i think this is one of those oxymoron you know, by not thinking, does not that means you are in fact are thinking about not thinking? by thinking about not thinking, you are telling your brain to stop thinking, aii,,,Its confusing..........

glad to know that im not only one constantly thinking to myself up to the point im mumble most of the stuff inside my head. is this is a sign of AS or just something that everyone does?

That first part there made my head spin... But i get your point. I atleast would be thinking about not thinking and then start to think of just about anything from there i guess :P Ive tried to do those excercizes where you're supposed to clear your mind, and i cant do it. I always think of something no matter the situation. :)

Emu Egg
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15 Apr 2008, 1:40 pm

Willard wrote:

thus, if I expect to have to confront someone in a situation that's likely to cause a disagreement, I practice the argument from every side repeatedly playing both parts, so I don't get blindsided with something I'm at a loss to respond to, which lends itself toward first shutdown, then meltdown.

Whoa...I do that too. Never expected that I'd hear it from anybody else. And you know, as much I try to come at it from every angle I can think of...they still manage to stump me with stupid circular logic.


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15 Apr 2008, 3:02 pm

Willard wrote:
if I expect to have to confront someone in a situation that's likely to cause a disagreement, I practice the argument from every side repeatedly playing both parts, so I don't get blindsided with something I'm at a loss to respond to, which lends itself toward first shutdown, then meltdown.

I do this ALL the time.
I have an inner monologue. I have inner dialogue. I try to shut it off, especially when I'm not feeling good, but I can't. I rehearse things, like arguments, introductions, questions, favors, etc. I talk things over with myself. I narrate situations. You name it.

Snowy Owl
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15 Apr 2008, 4:04 pm

p-leeease! ha ! all i do is an inner monologue. I'm constenly narating my own life..thats y i keep a diary..but i tend to find lol that time that i narate the most is when im on the toliet haha

i tend to think im talking to what ever spyrit around me can read my brain or god or sumfink.

I'm fed up of explaining after every post, I have dyslexia so sometimes my spelling and punctuation is off. I do use spell check doesn't always work...


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15 Apr 2008, 4:53 pm

Almost everyone has both inner monologues and mental images to some degree. Supposedly this is hemispherical, the left hemisphere of the brain thinks in language and the right hemisphere thinks in pictures. According to philosopher and neuroscientist Daniel Dennett our inner monologue forms a mental narrative that is the basis of consciousness and a sense of self.

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