I have been using computer since 1980, an old business computer, don't remember the name, but it did run unix, it was the size of 4 filing cabinets, I would play an old star trek game on it. I couldn't afford to get into computers, I wish I did earlier, it wasn't until 1992 that I started taking a real interest, using the old Mac Classics, then using Pc's and Windows later on that year, the internet was still fairly simple at that time, we had Freenet, which was about the only service in Edmonton at the time, so it was only about 1995 before I actally got the chance to use the internet, at the school library, and the first thing I looked at was the Playboy website
It wasn't until 1998 that I finally built my own computer out of parts I found while dumpster diving, behind a large companie in downtown Edmonton, an AMD-K6-2 266 processor and a Gigabyte motherboard, still in the case, it only had 32mb of ram, but it was better then what some people were still using then