Hey dc, I think the magic word you are looking for is 'manic depressive'
I don't know how or if this is different from 'bi-polar' as I am only self-diagnosed
and have never mentioned either to a therapist on my two ten year apart single visits.
I definitely get most depressed returning alone from a successful social outing that
stands alone and leads to no continuing relationship!
I'm starting to think that the advice "you don't need to see a psychiatrist
because having Asperger's doesn't mean you are crazy"
is only correct up to the point where the
consequences of having Aspergers
start to negatively impact your ability to survive, strive and succeed,
Comments, criticisms and opinions, everyone?
Manic-Depressive and Bi-Polar are the same thing. Bi-Polar is just the newer term used nowadays, as I suppose it sounds less psychotic.
I have mood swings as well, but I wouldn't say that it goes from one extreme to another...it's more like going from calm and not very emotional, to depressed, depending on my surroundings.