marshall wrote:
So many things in life just feel phony to me
Hi Marshall.
that's because they are.
marshall wrote:
One example is polite talk. I often feel I’m pretending to be interested even though I’m not. Even the nicest company feels vapid and draining to me when I can’t talk about anything that interests me.
You don't have a personality. Humans do.
You don't need a personality. humans do.
Because you don't have or need or want a personality, you don't have or need or want to be polite, like personalities have to be. They have no choice. They must always continue to play their parts.
marshall wrote:
Another example is instances where I’m supposed to “play myself up”. I hate having to sell myself to people.
that's because you don't have a personality, which is a social 'clown suit and a painted smile'.
Because you don't have - or need - a personality, because you are actually just really you, you don't need a human ego, either.
In humans, their personality - a social defense mechanism which navigates with things like 'politeness' - is in complete conflict with their egos - which only care about themselves. This conflict cannot be resolved, and goes directly into the human subconscious.
You don't have that problem.That's why you don't feel the need to 'sell' yourself.
Such things are alien to Autistics.
Those are human traits.
those are human problems.
We don't have them - or need them.
marshall wrote:
A third example is writing essays for applications. It seems the questions are always worded in a way that makes only one type of answer fit well.
Yeah, understood. I can't fill out forms at all.
Same thing.
Humans have very rigid personalities. Autistics don't.
Humans expect rigid personalities, and cannot conceive of anything except the rigid personalities which they identify themselves as. Therefore, humans can only make things for rigid, predictable personalities.
You don't have one of those, and humans cannot conceive of you. They cannot understand that they make personalities and then pretend they are those personalities ... so they cannot conceive of what you are - who does not have or need the defense mechanism of a personality. You feel everything they are terrified to feel; so terrified that they create personalities to live through.
We can understand them completely, but they can never understand us.
marshall wrote:
It just seems that normal people are better at “playing a part” in life than I am. I get no emotional satisfaction out of playing a part for other people. I feel like this one thing is the biggest root of the depression and apathy I feel towards life.
LOL ! !!
Humans seem to "play parts" because it's the only thing they know how to do. They are crippled.
The 'parts' they 'play' are their personalities.
They cannot feel directly, because it is too painful for them, so they create a personality and identify themselves with it and believe it is actually their real selves.
We don't 'play parts' because we don't have to. We are not crippled like humans.
Human personalities are predictable defense mechanisms. they cannot feel anything directly, but only through their personality. We feel everything directly.
You are a god among clowns who believe they're really the clowns they portray. Stop being depressed and apathetic, and take your rightful place.
Humans are crippled. They cannot feel. They are completely unable to grasp what you really are. You are completely alone amongst humans, just as you would be around people who dressed up like clowns and wore painted smiles and laughed all the time ... and thought that was really them. Pretty lonely. Pretty horrid.
Don't believe? Keep looking deeper, and you'll see everything. You pretty much said all of that in your post; I just basically made everything you said more substantial, that's all.
- Archetype