You know, as much as I don't like the Alien series, I can see the potential for the comedic version.
You ever watch the Doctor Who story The Ark in Space? Preceded Alien by about 3 years, but had many of the same themes. I can just imagine the scene where Kane gets the facehugger on him, and Noah/Lazar (his rough equivalent in Ark in Space). Warning: strong language.
The Facehugger Scene as re-written by Quatermass wrote:
Kane, with all his John Hurt craggy face behind a spacesuit visor, is peering at the egg. It becomes translucent. He sees the facehugger inside. (If the dialogue isn't accurate, then bugger off)
KANE: There's something inside the egg.....It's moving!
With a burst of movement, the facehugger leaps from the egg, wraps itself around Kane's helmet, and soon penetrates it to basically, well, hug his face. As the panicked voices of Lambert and Dallas fill the air, a middle aged, handsome man in a ultra-clean white uniform, conspicuous amongst the musty gloom of the egg chamber, walks over to Kane, who has passed out. Note that we don't see his hands yet. This is Noah, aka Lazar.
NOAH: You think you have problems. Me? I had to supervise the cryogenic freezing of the human race while the Earth got cooked by solar flares.
Kane is very much a boring conversationalist, given the fact that he can't speak, but Noah plunges on regardless.
NOAH: You know, this man, with a scarf and curly hair, told me not to go and check on the solar stacks. Wanted to shut them down to stop a creature. I thought he was some doctor from a rogue colony, so I shot him. With a stun gun. I went into the solar stacks, and got touched by some....thing.
He pulls his hands from behind his back. The left one is just a mass of strange green bubbles, not unlike the effect when you wrap bubble-wrap around your hand and paint it green and slimy.
NOAH: Look at my hand, eh? Now that's BBC special effects for you! Still, it could be worse.
Kane's body is whinched away by Dallas and Lambert.
NOAH: I could be giving fellatio to a rubber hand.
Here's some materials to explain my reasoning for allowing aspects of
The Ark in Space to become part of the comedic version of
And a more mutated Noah.
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Last edited by Quatermass on 23 Apr 2008, 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.