With mine, it's less a case of 'not doing' the thing, and more a case of merely 'putting it of'. I can stop myself doing it immediately, but it will not shift from my mind until I indulge it.
For example, at work I am doing an ongoing task of resetting the properties for about 1200 online folders. After I've done one, I go back in and look at it to make sure I did it right. This was taking up a lot of time, so I decided to just look at it before I close it and then move on without going back to check. So I did that... made SURE it was done, closed it, went on to the next one... did a few more... twitch twitch... tried to keep going... finally caved in and went back to check that older one again, just to be sure, even though I KNEW it was done. I know how silly little things like that are, but that's compulsions for you.
Little things like that, all the time, every day.
(I am better about my obsessional/routine tendencies since starting on a low dose of Cipralex, however. It's calmed me down a lot.)
~I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens
Somebody will be waiting for me, so I've got to fly higher~