Not bad at all. However, if I were writing this story I would combine some of the sentences. Since you are writing the story and not me, feel free to ignore my demonstrations. Oh, and there's a few cliches I would also dump. One uses them in a first draft because they are what come to mind first as one is describing the scene. In the second draft, one takes the cliches and tries to find other ways to say the same thing ie breath of fresh air could be encouragement or an oak tree for her to cling to or....
Jessica fiddled with her hair and blinked aching eyes as she sat next to the hospital bed. Even breathing hurt, but she could not see a way to sleep yet, not yet, not while her frail mother lay festooned with medical tubes and wires and beeping machines, not while her mother's breathing rasped, not while she slept unaware of what her daughter still needed from her and never got. She stroked her mother's mottled hand, sighed, and closed her eyes.
I added some details that may not be pertinent to your story, but are the kind of thing that adds drama.