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01 May 2008, 12:14 pm

i just checked out some info about SPD, and considering that it includes most symptons of asperger's but not the eye contact, restricted interests, obsession with specific objects bit, it sounds more like my case.
I do fit in most areas of aspergers (i also got diagnosed recently but don't trust the diagnosis yet) but i have no issues about keeping eye contact. where restricted interests are concerned, i've never had any special interests, i rather get bored of things very easily even if i'm interested in something. Also i'm not very organized, neither do i follow specific routines nor get psyched with having to do things differently. Is it possible that I may have SPD rather than AS? Sounds more like me....any similar cases or suggestions?


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01 May 2008, 12:49 pm

You don't have to have all the traits to be DXed AS but if you Wikki the 8 catagories, I believe that you need 1 in one section and at least 2 in the other. If the shoe doesn't fit.... :wink:

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01 May 2008, 1:05 pm

One other key difference is when it started developing. I'm not sure whether or not you can have a PD in childhood, but I'm quite sure it doesn't start in infancy. It helps to make a checklist for both so that you can visualize which covers the most facts with the fewest inconsistancies. It's a simple method, but it does help, whether it's for your own benefit or in preparation to see a specialist.


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01 May 2008, 1:32 pm

Personality Disorders are in most cases not meant to be diagnosed until you are at least 18, this is due to the fact that they can change as you grow and the teenage years can change things. I myself was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder before Aspergers was a possibility.

That is the main difference though, Aspergers is developmental and present from childhood, there would have been signs. PD symptoms tend to get worse later on from about 13 onwards but generally are worse in the teens.


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01 May 2008, 3:30 pm

is there anything that you feel that you care capable of enjoying at all?

if you really want to dicuss it, it helps if you go into more and detailed ideas.

here you are being social and relying on others for input, isn't that non-characteristic of schizoid?

p.s. when i see SPD, i think Sensory Procesing Disorder, which is present in many autistics.
so upon reading your post, it was strange to me thill i realized that shizoid would be abreviated as SPD too

with mention of that do you have any of the physical traits that come with autism? hyper/hyposensitivities? do you get overloaded easily in high input situations or with certain kinds of sensory input?

also keep in mind that trying to figure this out requires more than looking at certain traits.. someone else mentioned this, that it is a developmental disorder and signs are present throughout childhood. do you have any perspective on how things were for you at a younger age?

about the eye contact thing, i had that question about myself too. i can maintain eye contact like its not even an issue. eventually as time passed i reallized that its something that i have to focus to do and in asking others that oberve me they say that i do avoid or make poor eye contact. just in situations that im not absolutely focused on making the eye contact. but still, this isnt THE determining factor. it does go to show though how one may think that they do or do not show a trait in a certain way, but it's not quite what they thought it was in the 1st place.

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01 May 2008, 3:39 pm

PD's onset is usually in adolesence, PDD's onset is early childhood. So if you didnt have the issues as a child, it tends to look more like a PD then autism. Most PD's wont be diagnosed till 18 unless its very very obvious, and then many of the PD's have child/adolesencet versions ( IE Oppositonal Defiant Disorder ( Child) - Conduct Disorder ( adolesence) - Anti-Social Personality Disorder( 18+))


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03 May 2008, 8:00 am

thank you all for your replies, I didn't realize the age factor that comes with being diagnosed with a PD.
I'm 21, and found out about asperger' a month back. If i was to go back to my childhood to trace symptons, I would say they again included lack of social interaction, not having many friends, speaking in a monotone, lack of facial expressions, no strange body movements but yeah at times I was found to be walking in an odd way or would be sitting/standing in a strange posture, unless someone alerted me,,,all this still continues, but I have been able to find out only because i've been told, not because I really analyzed myself.
what's so striking about the definition of SPD, is that it speaks of indifference in every situation, and that I find so relates to me. I was never really bothered about being a loner, not having made more than one friend at a time, or about people misunderstanding me, I never tried to figure out what always sent the damned wrong signals, or why people felt odd in my company!its always been my indifference and my inability to see the big picture...


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03 May 2008, 7:31 pm

One question you should answer is - do you want to interact with other people but just don't know how or do you want to voluntarily isolate yourself from all human interactions? Would you be completely comfortable as a lighthouse keeper with no radio, TV or Internet access? If not, you are probably not schizoid.


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03 May 2008, 7:54 pm

I don't know where you guys are getting your information about personality disorders, but I've read where anti-social personality disorder traits can be detected all the way back to the crib. Teachers and caretakers interviewed later knew there was something wrong with the kid.

Personality traits are very stable and don't just pop up in adolesence.

Anyway, yeah there is a lot in common between schizoid personality disorder and Asperger's Syndrome. From the way you're describing yourself and your lack of care for social situations and not having much in common with the rest of AS, then it wouldn't greatly surprise me if you were a schizoid.

The one thing that makes me think that it may not be true, is the fact that you went looking for psychiatric help at all. Generally speaking, people with personality disorders don't do that. Heck, it may have been a prime reason why they didn't look further into the idea.

Either way, as long as your high functioning (if you're autistic) I don't think it's a particularly critical distinction. I've often thought that if there's one personality disorder that you need to be saddled with, schizoid would probably count as the best since it's A. Harmless and B. Doesn't cause the person with it distress.