RockyMtnAspieMom wrote:
They say it goes along hand-in-hand with NVLD (Non-Verbal Learning Disorder)
To describe it positively, Aspies are visual learners.
I always thought of it as aspies are kinesthetic(sp?) learners. We learn by doing. Which would be why math and english is hard for most of us (unless it is a special interest). You can't actually DO something. You just have to learn by rote, which takes forever.
Give me a computer program, set me down with the manual and in an hour or two, maybe three, (depending on how complex the program is) I now have a new skill. lol "oo what does this button do.. ohhhh that's neat. what about this... ooooo." I can then set the manual down and probably tell you things on the program that you didn't know existed. I could come back months later and still be able to use the program.
However, set me down with a list of equations that I have to memorize and be able to recall and use, it would take me weeks to months of use and reuse to get the same level of recall that I can for the program. The issue is, schools only give you about a week in most math classes, before they are on to new material, or building on the old. Then they test you on it about 3 weeks later.
NVLD is a seperate learning disorder tht many with AS have.