EvilKimEvil wrote:
First of all, most of these songs are not meant to be taken seriously. But more importantly:
These sexist themes have very deep roots. Rock and Roll is based on Blues. Blues came from country/folk + music used in church services + traditional African music + some Native American influence and even some classical influence. The lyrics draw on folk music traditions going back to ancient times, filtered through a 20th century perspective. You'd be surprised how much popular music just recycles the same basic ideas that have been sung about for thousands of years.
Personally, I think that music reflects society just like other forms of expression. If you don't like sexist songs, don't listen to the radio, find some non-sexist music, write your own non-sexist music, or try to make society less sexist . . . whatever works for you.
Im not entirely convinced that Rock Music is derived exclusively from Jazz and Blues though EvilKimEvil

. But you're right most of popular music is really just about *love*,sex(AND drugs). I try to find bands that sing about NONE of those things.
I would like to point out though that the harmonies of African Music are
uncannily similar to Western Muisc even though the rythms are very different. Personally I like Asian Music the best of all.