IpsoRandomo wrote:
[though most scientists are atheists]
for some reason I am having a difficult time accepting this as fact? Is this really true? I mean, I LOVE science, was really good at it in high school and collage. I do tend to look at the universe thru a scientific lense, and LOVE reading about astronomy, physics, that kind of thing. The universe is such a mysterious place, and as it turns out it functions stranger then anyone can even begin to imagine, such strange things even an overactive childs imagination doesnt even come close to some of the crazy stuff going on in quantium physics and blackholes.
Science has yet to explain this kind of stuff, and may never explain it 100%. Basicly I think that tho their is a scientific explination for EVERYTHING out their in the universe, I STILL beleive in God and very much enjoy watching shows like ghost hunters, lots of science to explain an unknown phenomina for instance. I think more people then you think in the science feild think like I do, I trust in science, but have faith in God.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.