smaug wrote:
Not going to go into an argument on which is the better platform or deserves to sell better, but it's likely that the effects of GTA4 will be felt this month. It only came out in the last days of April - I know it broke sales records and everything, but it's probable people who were considering getting a console for GTA4 would be buying this month.
I doubt it. Just like the movies, game buying has become frontloaded in recent years. A huge bulk of the sales happen in the first few days after release for blockbuster games released in the off-season. After that things level off very quickly. For example, Super Smash Bros. Brawl sold only 300,000 and change units last month after selling 10x that in March. Granted it went on sale earlier in March than GTA 4 did in April, but my point remains.
If we were going to see a Haloesque impact on console sales due to GTA 4, it would have been at least noticable in last months numbers. Halo 3 was released on the 25th and the console did see its sales that month increase beyond the Wii for the first and, so far, only time despite being so late in the month.
Surprisingly, the sales for the PS3 and 360 actually went DOWN by well
over 25% in April (the Wii remained steady falling by less than 1%). A development hardly anyone saw coming.
In any case, I was just making a point on Microsoft's ridiculous corporate spin trying to minimize the Wii's dominance over it.