Will I ever successfully have a good job? This is what I keep asking myself.
I graduated from college, at age 29, this past December. It's a liberal arts degree with a psychology focus. Yay. I'm qualified to make $14/hr now.
I thought I would go on to a Nursing degree, but there are obstacles. First is that most require at least two more math courses. The stat course I took to graduate recently caused me at least one weekly meltdown. I have dyscalculia. Also, I'll have to attend full time classes for one year to be an LPN, or for two years to be an RN. My kids are young and both autistic, and I have no friends (big surprise) or family willing or able to help. That means the huge expense of education plus sticking my kids in daycare. I want to do this part-time, but it seems almost impossible.
I considered just continuing on for my Psych degree, which I can do mostly from home. Perfect, right? Except that I need more math. 10 credits total, and I only have 4. This means two more classes. Which might destroy me. I'm serious - it's a nightmare for me. Also, there's not much you can do with a Psych degree, unless you've got a Masters or PhD, which I'm not interested in pursuing.
This isn't even factoring in the financial bit of this, and to be honest, I don't know if I'm worth the investment risk. Maybe I ought to just go be a stripper?
I'm beginning to feel like everything is beyond me, like I'll never make it or succeed, like everything that everyone else can do is just too hard for me. I'm becoming depressed and wondering why the f**k I get out of bed in the morning. Is this my life? It seems so.
Curiosity is not a mental illness.
Homeschooling Aspie mom of 2 kiddos on the Spectrum.