For the short form, read only the part in [brackets]:
[Yes, but it depends on the girl. I am convinced, by the way, that there is someone for everyone in this world. You'll find her eventually--or she'll find you, you never know....]
If the person whom I'm thinking of is autistic (and I do believe she's an aspie), then yes, very much so, but (in her specific instance) only as a friend. One of my best friends, to be sure, but just a friend. It's not that she's unattractive--she happens to be drop-dead gorgeous and has the smarts to match. It's just that we don't 'click', if you know what I mean.
There's also another girl who could be an aspie--borderline, very borderline currently, but what she's told me about her childhood is classic aspie. She's the most amazing person I know, and one of my very closest friends (2nd best friend--and I am sure of this). I also happen to love her with my entire heart and soul.
It may be worth noting that I am borderline too (I was speaking with a very cool guy who works with autistic kids in Baltimore, and I commented that I had Asperger's. He then said that he would not have guessed it if I had not told him) and that may have a significant bearing on my response.