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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 May 2008, 6:27 pm

Through my life I have experienced many difficulties, mostly it being social. I have always needed to know if there was something different with me compared to the others around me, on why everything was hard for me and not for others.
I began to study a bit about Autism when I heard about it.

These are the symptoms I experience:

- Making friends or keeping a relationship is difficult.
- I never knew that it was nesecary for you to make eye contact until I was 11, even now I find it uncomfortable to do.
- I prefer to be alone most of the time.
- I have trouble expressing my own feelings.
- I have been known to do things that I wouldnt consider wrong, unless I was told so it was wrong.
- I am very sensitive to being touched (which can cause me to over react.... i.e. shout) and I dislike being hugged (or cuddled).
- Usually I say whatever comes in my mind, and at times it has been innapropriate. Most of the times I dont realize it until sometime later.
- I can speak well around 65% of the time, but ussually it can be difficult on thinking what to say next. And people ussually have a hard time understanding what im saying for the other 35%.
- I highly dislike changes in my daily routines, if it is complex or even simple. This includes what I eat.
- I can laugh at unusual times, which makes other people call me a crazy person. (Honestly, I HATE when they say that. Its not even funny)
- I have had noticable delays in language, social, and learning skills. In relation, I did not speak until I was 5 years of age.
- I am good at solving puzzles, and I notice other details and sounds that others dont. And I am very good at solving computer problems.
- And, lastly, I have gotten a 38 on a AQ test (whereas 80% of people who scored 32 or higher are Autistic)

I know it isnt possible to have a diagnostic over the Internet, but I was wondering if it was possible that I might be autistic, or have something similar.

Anything will help! Thanks!

Pileated woodpecker
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24 May 2008, 6:33 pm

If you are actually all of that, you definitely sound autistic.


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24 May 2008, 6:33 pm

I'm not a pro, but you sure seem to share traits with a lot of us.

Snowy Owl
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24 May 2008, 6:43 pm

Generally if you are reading the descriptions of autism and they seem to fit your behavior patterns and how you feel then yeah you are probably autistic. You know yourself best. But yeah from the info you gave it seems you are autistic.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 May 2008, 6:52 pm

I forgot to mention that I have mild Dyslexia.

Its strange though, I have already seen a proffesional and they dont think I am Autistic. He said that Autistic people would not be able to have "normal" conversations.
I have even told my mother, with the evidence provided, and she screamed her head of at me saying that im not.

If I told someone, (I even did) they actually think im doing it for attention, or for a one-way ticket out of trouble. (Which isnt true and cant happen)


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24 May 2008, 7:05 pm

welcome to wp!

i'd agree with other replies - your list is very appropriate

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 May 2008, 7:11 pm

GreenDolphin wrote:
I forgot to mention that I have mild Dyslexia.

Its strange though, I have already seen a proffesional and they dont think I am Autistic. He said that Autistic people would not be able to have "normal" conversations.
I have even told my mother, with the evidence provided, and she screamed her head of at me saying that im not.

If I told someone, (I even did) they actually think im doing it for attention, or for a one-way ticket out of trouble. (Which isnt true and cant happen)

this is pretty much how i always feel. at first, my parents suspected that the only reason i thought i had asperger's was because my friend has it as well, and that i was being some sort of hypochondriac. whenever i described my symptoms, people would say "oh, everyone feels that way sometimes!"

i've felt extremely misunderstood for most of my life and it really sucks. i hate feeling like i have to defend or "prove" the fact that i have asperger's.


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24 May 2008, 7:17 pm

You have many autistic traits however to make sure that you have it and is not some other personality disorder is better to consult with a specialized professional.
people with AS do not experience language delay problems, other autistics do.
remember, the older you are the harder it gets to be formally diagnosed.
If you really need to know go to a specialist and ask someone that knows you to come with you.
Also, find out about your family history. Are there any autistics there?
tell the specialist how these traits are affecting your life.


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24 May 2008, 7:20 pm

GreenDolphin wrote:
I forgot to mention that I have mild Dyslexia.

Its strange though, I have already seen a proffesional and they dont think I am Autistic. He said that Autistic people would not be able to have "normal" conversations.
I have even told my mother, with the evidence provided, and she screamed her head of at me saying that im not.

If I told someone, (I even did) they actually think im doing it for attention, or for a one-way ticket out of trouble. (Which isnt true and cant happen)
GreenDolphin wrote:
I forgot to mention that I have mild Dyslexia.

Its strange though, I have already seen a proffesional and they dont think I am Autistic. He said that Autistic people would not be able to have "normal" conversations.
I have even told my mother, with the evidence provided, and she screamed her head of at me saying that im not.

If I told someone, (I even did) they actually think im doing it for attention, or for a one-way ticket out of trouble. (Which isnt true and cant happen)

You DO sound autistic. You would OBVIOUSLY be mild now, and it is HARD to spot! Outside of the social aspect, it probably doesn't matter.


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24 May 2008, 9:15 pm

And some of can too have normal conversations. I was an odd little kid, but people who only know me superficially think I'm normal after I practiced for decades to pass as normal.


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25 May 2008, 9:43 am

Yes, it sounds as if you have AS/HFA. I scored 29 on the AQ tests, which puts me at borderline AS. I do have a lot of the salient markers of Asperger's.


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25 May 2008, 10:25 am

Yes it does sound like it.

If you did not speak until you were five, you started off LFA. If you speak now you are probably HFA or aspie depending on how you function now.