Durangobeta wrote:
I am.
If I eat squash I can't read, words don't make sense, and my thoughts and speech get garbled. And dry heeves. And migraine.
Perfume gives me fevers and nausea.
Whistling almost does the same thing as squash.
that sounds like are having what is known as an autistic shutdown [or at least a part shutdown].
am posted a couple of links yesterday about it to another user-probably the best information can get on them:
http://www.shutdownsandstressinautism.c ... Autism.pdf
am have extreme reactions and overload from all of those,but with squash-if are meaning the drink type,am always get migraines with that,especially the sugar free stuff or fake orange stuff [anything 'fake orange' does it].
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!