The fall of Ken on Jeparody (contains spoiler!)
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Have any of you been watching jeparody since about the end of june? That's when Ken (last name slips my mind now) began his Cal Ripken like run on the show that to this point is now up to 43 victories with 1.4 million dollars.
Well this morning I was eating breakfast in the commons area, and at the same time was being distracted by the many electronic message bords they have in the commons area here in Oshkosh. I just happened to catch what one of them said
*A poster to reported that Ken on Jeparody lost a game that was taped on Tuesday afternoon. His streak ends at 74 games and 2.5 million dollars*
WOW! If I did my math correct, and the assumed post on is not fraudulant, Ken's final victories will air on Monday October 25th and Tuesday October 26th, with Wedensday October 27th being D-Day for ken.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...