paolo wrote:
I would like to introduce a new word: psycho-fuel . What is depression id not a absence of psycho-fuel? What is psycho-fuel?
For all my opposition to psycho-jargon, I would like to in introduce this neologism: psycho-fuel. Or at least open a discussion about the availability of those forces which make for our attachment to life in the most difficult condition. We talk much in these days of fuels, all the world, civilization, “democracy”, ecosystems, biodiversity, appearing to depend on the availability of fossil or alternative fuels.
But what is behind psycho-fuel? Dopamine, endorphine, good parentage, rfeligious faith (whatever that is)?. Mens sana in corpore sano (or viceversa)? What makes a human (or an animal for that) lost in the desert without food, water, maps err to the limits of his forces and against any odds of salvation for indefinite periods of time? What is hope after all? What is psycho-fuel? What makes me write this, which shoul not be at all an academic interrogation or a matter of chat? When psycho-fuel runs short you take paroxetine, or liquors, or illegal drugs.
It is an interesting concept, though I don't think I understand fully what you are trying to get across. Might it be worthwhile to examine it under its' own thread?
My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.
For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!