I am ADHD and can't stand light touch. As a child, I didn't even like hugs and hated to be cuddled.
My son who has Aspergers is the same as me (he doesn't exhibit the ADHD-traits like I have). He tickles very easily and can't stand light touch. When we hold hands, it's harder (as that is what we both need). When we cuddle, it's never really light and he loves it. We pressure cuddle - make sense? When I just touch him, it is pressure. My husband also does the same thing because I taught him. The interesting thing is that I really think that my husband is on the spectrum yet he doesn't mind light touch at all. I am the one with all the sensory issues. My son can't stand just having a sheet over him. It's either all or nothing. The sheet is a like light touch. I am the same way. I like HEAVY covers when I sleep. If it's hot, I still need at least a cover on and then have the airconditioning on.
Nathan doesn't overreact if someone touches him. He squirms away. I tell people in advanced on how to touch him. I feel I have been pretty good in the area of educating those who educate or take care of my child. I don't want him to experience what I have experienced.
The hardest thing is when he has to get his hair cut. He is SO ticklish it takes forever for them to cut his hair. I tell them to just make it quick, not perfect. They don't listen.
Question: Have any of you tried that head massage thing with metal like claws? I tried that once as it's supposed to massage you and it was THE WORST THING EVER. I almost threw that thing across the room. I was with my other friends (this was two years ago) and they thought I was kidding at first because they actually enjoyed it. I don't get it. I don't get how something like that can be so relaxing to most people yet so irritating verging on the point of painful to me. I honestly think I have Sensory Integration Disorder as well. I don't know. I am sure my son wouldn't be able to stand it either.
I am thankful I have my sensory issues. I can understand my son more!! There are reasons for everything. After reading these forums, I am getting more and more convinced that I have Aspergers! Well, at least some of the traits.