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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Jun 2008, 4:01 am

Hey guys, I'm a 19 year old college student...diagnosed with Asperger's at age 11, and slowly coming to terms with who I am. I've been in denial about my diagnosis for years now, trying to change my behavior and even my personality, by trying to act "more normal", but I know I have Asperger's and that's something I need to acknowledge and not change.

I suffer from social anxiety...I'm comfortable with people I know, but take alot longer than most people to be myself around strangers. I make a good first impression when I meet people for the first time, but have a hard time maintaining relationships. It doesn't take too long to tell there's something different and a little strange about me. I also have depression and sometimes just suffer from nervousness. I haven't been on any medications for years, and don't really want to deal with it that way...I liked myself even less when I was on meds. I've gotten over some of the symptoms I had when I was younger -- obsessing over certain things (I still do this I guess, but to a lesser degree), my eye contact has gotten alot better, and I've also gotten better at just socializing in general.

Anyway, I've never told anyone about my Asperger's disease before, so I think this is a good place to start. I'm definitely encouraged to find out there is a whole community out here with other people like me and I look forward to being a member of the forum.


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05 Jun 2008, 4:17 am

Hello! Im also new! Ive only told one person and Im so glad I did. :D


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05 Jun 2008, 10:43 am

Welcome to WP!

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05 Jun 2008, 10:51 am

You'll continue to "improve" except for the depression. When you pass middle age the depression episodes tend to come oftener and stay longer. I have no problem with eye contact now, and I had to practice for decades before it stopped bothering me.


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05 Jun 2008, 11:18 am

Nice to meet you, AlkalineOutlaw. :) 8)

What college do you go to?

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05 Jun 2008, 12:55 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!