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What's your take?
You're screwed, man. RUN AWAY! 8%  8%  [ 1 ]
Quit your whining. This is no big deal. 25%  25%  [ 3 ]
Chase Leeloo anyway. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Forget you were ever interested in Leeloo. 17%  17%  [ 2 ]
Discard your ethics and use this girl to make Leeloo jealous. 8%  8%  [ 1 ]
Go back to dating guys. Girls are too much trouble. 8%  8%  [ 1 ]
Take up some other hobby and become a hermit. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
First rule of blind dates: Don't go on blind dates. 17%  17%  [ 2 ]
Claim to have enjoyed Eyes Wide Shut, so she dumps you. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Other (please explain). 17%  17%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 12

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 Jun 2008, 1:22 pm

(Yes, some of those options are intended to be tongue-in-cheek humor.)

There's this girl who works at the coffee shop. She looks a LOT like Leeloo from Fifth Element, and she is both laid back and confident, and I always enjoy talking with her. Sadly, she has a self-confessed preference for overbuilt, shallow guys who inevitably treat her like crap, and even if I were her taste, I believe she's seeing someone now. She once told me that she is a regular [nude] model for a local independant figure-drawing group, and she suggested I join up since I'm working on improving my figure drawing skills. I, of course, never made it there, since I already like her enough without seeing her naked too - and it'd just feel Wrong. So yeah... FRUSTRATION.

Anyway, the other day, she mentions a friend of hers, and suggested that we have some kind of film night, so I can meet her. An informal setting, without the typical date garbage, sounds great. But I know four things about her:

1. She is a film buff. (Not to be confused with a movie buff.) While it makes me anxious to be at such a disadvantage, I really like girls who know things I don't. :)
2. She has individual frames of different comics tattooed on her arms, and is steadily getting more. Way Awesome! Unless they're all Garfield or Superman... o_O
3. She had largely given up on dating because it's so hard to meet non-alcoholics socially where I live. That means she's just as jaded as I am (yay!), and our mutual friend apparently thinks well enough of me to recommend me as an exception.
4. She works as a sales manager for MediaComm, the local cable TV company. BOO AND FAIL. They are GIANT, EVIL jerks where we are too. I'm sure I'm making more of it than I should, and even if she is a sales manager; I just won't bring it up.

Beyond that, my last relationship was three or four years ago, and the last year or two of it was a distant and loveless facade. So I'm understandably a bit out of practice on the love scene. But I'm entering a situation where I'll be in a dark room with a blind date, AND the girl I've spent considerable hours fantasizing about, at the same time. That on top of my already unusual preferences...

Any advice? :/


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05 Jun 2008, 1:25 pm

Blind date, hmm, my advice is don't make weird faces at them, they may have partial vision, and get mad at you.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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05 Jun 2008, 2:29 pm

My advice is "don't do it".
Simple as.

Umquam sentio nex?

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Jun 2008, 1:10 pm

buh-bump. :)


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06 Jun 2008, 11:56 pm

I guess I would give the same advice as I would with any date. I am not really qualified as I myself am quite clueless, however, I am repeating advice given to me.

1. Don't have any expectations of what to expect.
2. Try to be interested in them. Ask questions about there opinions/interests.
3. Be yourself, express your opinions with conviction. This will show that you are happy with yourself.
4. Have fun, if their company isn't enjoyable for you, that's probably a sign.
5. Have an escape plan, I think a short first date is best, something low pressure.

Hope this is helpful, it was for me. I have been with my current girl for almost three years. We are quite different in our personalities but we definately love each other for who we are.