ways of coping with your depression and building self esteem

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29 Jul 2008, 7:09 am

Don't let anyone tell you where you went wrong and what you need to do, if you don't believe it.


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01 Aug 2008, 12:33 pm

I find that talking to friends can help, it doesn't matter what it is about, but feeling like i fit-in helps alot i find.

Also I disagree that alcohol is bad in the long run, I can see how too much can have a very negative effect, but just the right amount (mixed with friends and music) can help relieve alot of life’s stresses aswell.


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31 Aug 2008, 7:59 pm

I'll just share what helped me.

I once had stress-related depressive episodes and it helped me to write the cause of stress's name on a piece of paper or draw a picture to represent it, take song lyrics that remind me of the situation and write them on sticky notes, stick the notes all over the picture/names until it's covered with sticky notes, and burn it.

My self-esteem went up when I looked in the mirror and saw myself standing up straight with a calm and cool expression on my face. Standing up straight made a lot of difference to me because I was always slouching, and I liked my facial expression, so I was happy. Also, finding a fun type of exercise can be good, but it has to be enjoyable. I know that going to a gym and working out would make my self-esteem worse, but I love swimming and walking in the woods, so I do that. It might have made me lose weight, it may not have, but I feel better in my body now.

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03 Sep 2008, 7:59 am

<quote>I find that talking to friends can help, it doesn't matter what it is about, but feeling like i fit-in helps alot i find. </quote>

Friends? How does that work?


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03 Sep 2008, 10:34 am

I find that talking to friends can help, it doesn't matter what it is about, but feeling like i fit-in helps alot i find.

Friends are supposed to listen? Mine don't. I haven't had anyone to talk to about anything since my therapist went out of business six months ago.

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04 Sep 2008, 9:26 pm

I'll have to try some of these things (the ones I can anyway). I've been feeling worse than I've felt in a long time lately. Music helped for a little while, but I eventually realized I was just using it as a smoke screen for what's really going on. I guess thinking like that would be a problem with any tactic really.

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05 Sep 2008, 2:07 pm

I paint, sketch or write poetry when I'm depressed (none of them are particulary good but my skill is improving)

Watch a favourite TV series episode with a character who feels depressed getting themselves out of it this helps. My favourites are Thundercats-the crysal canyon, Sherlock Holmes- The Devil's Foot, etc

I like to run when I'm depressed especially in winter I tend to find I can't think and I'm only aware of whats around me and the pounding of my feet.

I won't talk to friends I tried once and it didn't work.


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26 Sep 2008, 8:29 am

I write when I'm depressed, it doesn't matter what I write about I just put pen to paper and don't stop until I feel better. I find it helps a lot especially when people don't listen to how I'm feeling.

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15 Oct 2008, 9:26 am

Take a walk, read a good book, play the piano or the guitar, get in the car and drive to Borders. If I'm real depressed, journal.


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16 Oct 2008, 3:22 pm

go to special education class and start annyoing classic autistics
and make them fell bad when the teacher goes for a break


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27 Nov 2008, 5:39 pm

claire333 wrote:
Give to someone who needs help. Volunteer work is good for the community, your fellow man, and your soul.

Sound advice. Maybe work with refugees? This may sound rather bizarre, but personally I find an apocalyptic worldview rather encouraging: one's sufferings and struggles in this time gain so much more meaning if the whole of human history is essentially a perennial conflict between good and evil... Not sure how helpful this will be for others. Maybe adopt whatever overarching narrative works for you in giving meaning and purpose, or if you prefer something freer, become an existentialist.

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."


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27 Nov 2008, 5:41 pm

ericc wrote:
Let me see.

(in no spiciffic order)

1. Be proud of who you are and the things you like. If you are hating life right now. Excape from your tragic lives and ........Predent that you were a historian on The History Network, sit in a chair and talk about the stuff you like in all detail. (It's an Aspie thing LOL)

2. SATIRE, The mother of all things spiritual and non-sacret. Go on the internet, study Satire then write or type a satirical story or a stick figure comic strip or book of what you TOTALLY HATE! Either it's your nagging questioning parents or it's that evil life partner of yours that doesn't want your love anymore, write the most EVIL and Rude story about them in a cartoonish humorious fashion. Read it back, MAKE YOURSELF LAUGH, Just have fun with it and make yourself SILLY ACTING! LOL

3. Listen to your favorite music and pretend that you are the rock musician on stage who just reunited with your band after 25 years of breakup.

(The Following is Optional)

4. Watch Spitting Image on YouTube if you can find any. LOL (not nessasary, just in my own opinion) ;)

5. Read Matt Groening's Life in Hell on the internet (TRUST ME, IT'S LIKE A SELF HELP BOOK BUT IT TELLS THE TRUTH, IT'S SATIRE, you know you want it, now open up your mouth, Here comes the Cho-Cho! LOL)

6. Watch Season 1-3 of South Park @ Southparkstudios.com and pretend that Kenny is the one you hate and cheer when he get's Killed. ;) LOL

Hope this helps you all. HANG ON ASPIES! HANG ON! SOMETHING BETTER WILL COME ALONG! Just keep your eyes out, travel, do research, and work hard to make your life better! ;)

More excellent advice!

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."

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29 Dec 2008, 11:00 pm

Agree with the others above that asplanet said "some alone wounded animal time" or something helps. Except that you have low times and honor that. I take LONG bubble baths, light candles, and delve deeply into some great books. There's nothing wrong with some mental health breaks in life. I believe in them so much. My DD who is probably AS (we are in the process of eval) does great when she has hermit time in her bedroom just playing with her dolls and doing her own thing. We shut out the world as necessary and that's not a bad thing. Just remember as the others said, there is always someone having it worse then you and if you forget that you should volunteer and see what misery is out there. Volunteering for my DD has been great. We took food to a shelter, volunteer with a coat drive for the homeless, and now she is working on doing a drive for the ASPCA. Go out and do something for others less fortunate than you. It works wonders! Good luck to you! Lucy :)


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30 Dec 2008, 3:21 pm

Medication may be necessary in some cicumstances however, medication alone does not take care of the problem. You need to start finding positive things in your life and accepting who you are, scream out "f*** society" and absolutely MEAN IT...and sometimes medication to help with that is necessary.. I have read "The Secret" and it's all true.. but sometimes we need to re-read it for reminders because it's not always easy to do. Everyone will have their low days, and its to be expected but as long as these occasional low days don't become too frequent.. if so then you will need to find ways to help yourself. I have come to realize that life is too short and what kind of life is it if you lived through negative thoughts all the time?


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02 Jan 2009, 1:24 pm

Find a group of like minded people, whatever you share-hobby, AS, politics, and so on.
Make friends and seek feedback. We tend to be far too judgemental of ourselves.

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16 Jan 2009, 12:22 am

matsuiny2004 wrote:
Watch something funny, if you are feeling like nothing is going right watching a funny show or movie should help you feel better.

Find an activity you enjoy doing

remind yourself of the things you do right

write a journal about the positive events and experiences you have had in life

accept and look at your faults

build your selfconfidence

I tried that.

I can't do any activities I want to do when I am depressed.

I can't do anything right.

I can't write very well and don't like journals.

I... don't want to look at anything about me.

I can't... this didn't work. :cry:

Dammit, I hate this. I am soaking my bed in tears and nothing can help me!

I'm an aspie and wouldn't have it any other way.
- My own words.
I have an addiction to my affliction. - My own words
I Want To Become Stronger...
... Than I Was Yesterday!! !! - The words in my avatar picture.