Pickering North Yorkshire - i like Aubrey Beardsley,Mucha, reciepts, crayons, fineliner pens, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, my new sewing machine, beads, bierds, brandy, port, colour coordinated cotton bobbins, tidy shelves, blown glass, enamled copper, copper shim, threads, old boxes, wooden floors, clean bathroom enamel, red hair, home made things, burnt calico, presents, bunting, parties, port and lemon, lemons, lemons with fish, chip shops, curry sauce, nice customers, money, charity shops, carboots, boots, my sisters feet and face, mum in general, embroidery, antique pins and my pin cushion that looks like a globe, my garden when it smells like cucumbers, my cacti, sunshine, snow, dry pavement on a cloudy day, cloudy days when it is refreshingly cold but not too cold so i dont need a coat, some busdrivers, the journey to my old sixth form, acrylics, sketch books, new and old books, marbled paper, the paper mill shop, mulberry paper, berol pens, cotton woll buds, long nails, ironed skirts, amethyst, big ploppy rain, stencilling with car spray paint. ham and egg sandwiches from Thomas'
there i think im finished