I'm not sure if this is an Asperger's thing, but I have huge huge problems dealing with criticism, I can neither take it or give it out correctly. If someone criticises me, I can become overly defensive and I basically shut myself from any social interaction. I can't respond to the criticism then and there and the said situation makes my cheeks light up on fire and my throat stricken. I become very nervous and don't know what to do. The strange thing is more often than not, I perfectly accept the criticism they give me and understand why they say it, but it's the social interaction that blows me away. Am I supposed to thank them/make a funny remark/insult them back?:P
Giving out criticism is another hugely problematic thing for me. I can't give out criticism without making myself sound like a total idiot or making the other person feel like a total idiot. I've tried patronising them, lecturing them and doing nothing at all about it. None of them work.
Has anyone had any similar experiences?