Oh Jeez.
This is a really complicated thing, I think. The reason why it's so complicated for me is that my violent, abusive, crazy ex-husband told me shortly after out 2nd baby was born that he felt that he was a woman inside, that he wanted to live as a woman, and that he wanted to stay home with the baby and have me go to work. I was breastfeeding a newborn and recuperating from a c-section, so that was a very strange and selfish idea.
He said that he had felt that way his whole life. Well, why did he marry me without telling me then? How incredibly awful, that I pledged my life to him and bore his children and then he decides this.
To complicate things, his grandparents had told me years before that there was a person in there family that, when he was born, they thought he was a girl, and he was raised that way, until they realized he was a biy. Then he grew up and married a woman and had kids. They brought this up out of the blue. Little did I knew they meant my husband. His mom had pictures of him dressed like a girl as a baby, but she said it was just a silly thing she did.
So now I had compassion for the as*hole, because maybe he really couldn't help it. He and his whole family had still lied to me every day for years, though.
He has since told me that he has an extra chromosone and is xxy.
When this happened, I didn't know what to tell my kids or when. They almost never see him because he lives in another state and makes no effort to visit.
Even though I feel compassion for him, because growing up that way must have been just awful, can I ever consider my ex-husband, who was so mean and abusive, can I think of him as a fellow woman? In public, sure, but in a women's forum? No. Then no place is safe.
When I tried to find support when I learned about this, there were all kinds of support groups for men deciding to leave their families because they're women now, but only one for women whose husbands had announced one day that they were going to be women. That's a very big deal! He shouldn't have married and had kids with a straight lady if that's not really what he wanted.
So...I don't know you, and I feel bad for people who were trapped in the wrong body. Sincerely, I do. I wish that I could say...yeah, come on in, but that's not how I really feel. It's nothing personal toward you. But if I run into my ex-husband on the women's forums I will feel vioolated.
I am sorry. I wish I didn't feel this way.