Would the Columbine guys be my homeboys?

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26 Jul 2008, 12:05 am

I know I'm offending people here, but I was talking with my friend about this and he said we might've hung out with them.

I personally agreed with them on what they said about American culture and their choices of music, the killing part is a little extreme.


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26 Jul 2008, 12:13 am

I don't have homeboys.

I found it interesting that they were a pair, though. Think about how difficult it would be to find another person who would go to such great lengths to kill without chickening out.

I will befriend the friendless, help the helpless, and defeat... the feetless?

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26 Jul 2008, 12:57 am

Their thoughts about the world were very clear minded, made with genuine insight.
The circumstances into which they were born made their selection of responses a fright.
Knowing no helping hand to aid in the insanity...
I think their choices would have also been made by you or me.
Step into their dancing shoes, and take their scene for a spin.
You'll never judge accurately until you know the hopeless world they were in.

To forfeit life has no bravery when there is nothing to lose.
When the options are suffering or the end, it's easy to choose.

...Somehow, just to make sure I've either lost or offended everyone, I think they managed to capture the Romance of the game into their decision. There was a time when I was obsessed with their backgrounds (I'm often lore obsessed), and they really weren't that bad of people; considering. Romance is not the same as heroism, which they certainly didn't capture. ...Anyone get what I'm saying?

The point is, I would have been their friend by similar situations and outlooks.


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26 Jul 2008, 3:41 am

You should seek professional help, all of you.

This not funny at all.


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26 Jul 2008, 1:14 pm

You missed the point completely


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26 Jul 2008, 2:16 pm

I found a point and did not miss it. Was the post your way of announcing your readiness to become yet another Columbine copycat? This is nothing to joke about. High school shootings are not funny. :ncool:

It's practically a criminal offence just to joke about doing it.


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26 Jul 2008, 4:38 pm

I studied Harris and Klebold a little while back when I was interested in the incident. Personally, they seem emotionally-fragile, morally bankrupt, and psychologically weak. Were they bullied and fed up with society, yes, but so are all of us and we prove our strength by braving adversity without compromising our moral fortitude. They are cowardly murderers and they have my harshest disdain.

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26 Jul 2008, 4:41 pm

Probably these guys had psychological profiles similare to suicide bombers.


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26 Jul 2008, 5:21 pm

A lot of people who are bullied, never go on shooting sprees, they were a couple of whiny psychotic emo's, s**t if I was in there high school I probably would have beat the f**k out of them too, they were a couple of evil monsters, who deserve to burn in Hell. Most likely Emo Hell where they would have to dress in white clothes and listen to Laurence Welk for eternity :twisted:


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26 Jul 2008, 6:10 pm

Freedom of speech is good.

The only real danger is intellectual isolation.

My father was pure Aspie, and he went way, way wrong.
He figured he was smarter than most people (true) and that they were irrational (true).
He never tried to talk about stuff. He just tried to figure it out by himself.
He lacked the herd instinct that would slow most people down.

The Unibomber got my attention a few years ago.
Quick summary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unabomber
Full manifesto: http://cyber.eserver.org/unabom.txt

The Unibomber was an intelligent person who made a few miscalculations and
missed a few essential pieces of the equation. Had I known him while he was
still developing his theories, I could have easily brought him back.

Other than that, I'm no threat. Really.

Talking and understanding the details is good.
Isolation and censorship is bad.

spudnik wrote:
…If I was in there high school I probably would have beat the f**k out of them too.

Before or after? You are mindlessly reacting rather than thinking. You are exactly the problem.


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26 Jul 2008, 8:33 pm

spudnik wrote:
A lot of people who are bullied, never go on shooting sprees, they were a couple of whiny psychotic emo's, sh** if I was in there high school I probably would have beat the f**k out of them too, they were a couple of evil monsters, who deserve to burn in Hell. Most likely Emo Hell where they would have to dress in white clothes and listen to Laurence Welk for eternity :twisted:

Well, lookee here kids!

Its hypocracy in action.
All of you are emo and strut about expecting sympathy for everything and then when some emo kid does what these guys did, you break off and say I'm not that bad, all I do is complain.


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26 Jul 2008, 9:18 pm

Also, you need to put it into perspective.

The Aspies who go bad are extremely rare, which is exactly why they get so much air time.
The thousands of daily murders by NTs that are easy to understand are not newsworthy.

It is a huge spectrum.
Some Aspies make incredible contributions. Probably ALL of the notable improvements in history were made by Aspies, such as Moses, Jefferson and Einstein.
Others do extremely well, and no one pegs them as Aspies.
Some of us muddle through, and no one notices.
Only the severely disabled get attention, and they are a burden, not a threat.

Contrast this with the NTs.
Very few of them make world-class, positive contributions.
The ones at that world-class level do, however, manage to do horrific damage.
George Bush has murdered thousands because of his unresolved issues.

The Unibomber killed three people, was the target of one of the most expensive investigations in FBI history, and got life in prison with no possibility of parole.
Bush is going to walk away with a fat pension. They’ll probably name a few libraries or stadiums after him.


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27 Jul 2008, 2:12 am

windscar15 wrote:
I know I'm offending people here, but I was talking with my friend about this and he said we might've hung out with them.

I personally agreed with them on what they said about American culture and their choices of music, the killing part is a little extreme.

I might have hung out with them. How would I know they were going to kill someone?

A note: I think one of the biggest problems with school shootings is that everyone rejects the attacker's message. This means the issue at hand is left unsolved, making room for more kiddies to be driven to kill. For example: the people who are brutalized by popular kids/jocks and are ignored because they are weird; counselors often say they are just being 'too sensitive.' When I was in sophomore year there was a group of boys that actually broke into our locker room repeatedly to pee all over my stuff. No one ever did anything about it because the culprits were star athletes. Many of the loners who become school shooters have endured far worse crap from the general school population.

Now, having a rough life is NO excuse for shooting someone. But seriously, we should pay some attention to what they're trying to say.

p.s., Slowmutant - in my opinion, gallows humor is a healthy response to a terrifying and irrational world. For example, I always see people freaking out about rape jokes, but as a rape victim I find a weird strange solace in them.

?Evil? No. Cursed?! No. COATED IN CHOCOLATE?! Perhaps. At one time. But NO LONGER.?


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27 Jul 2008, 8:14 am

If this is gallows humour I don't care for it. I also can't accept that someone who has been raped would crack jokes about sexual assault. Does not compute.

Re: Columbine killers

Why is a shooting rampage deemed necessary in order to your have voice heard?


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27 Jul 2008, 11:12 am

The fact that those kids were not thinking clearly is not an excuse
for our failure to think clearly. THAT does not compute.


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27 Jul 2008, 12:57 pm

Tahitiii wrote:
It is a huge spectrum.
Some Aspies make incredible contributions. Probably ALL of the notable improvements in history were made by Aspies, such as Moses, Jefferson and Einstein.
Others do extremely well, and no one pegs them as Aspies.
Some of us muddle through, and no one notices.
Only the severely disabled get attention, and they are a burden, not a threat.

Contrast this with the NTs.
Very few of them make world-class, positive contributions.
The ones at that world-class level do, however, manage to do horrific damage.
George Bush has murdered thousands because of his unresolved issues.

This seems inaccurate, and it's not like I'm offended because I'm an NT (I am a misanthrope, after all), I just think it's rather naive. I have read several biographies of Einstein and I don't see why he is the poster boy for postmortem Asperger's diagnosis. Yes, he was obsessive and focused, but he was also social and rather suave, and I never recall reading anything beyond stereotyped interests and focus that would suggest that he had Asperger's. Now Newton I would agree with, but not Einstein, but either way, it's complete BS to "diagnose" dead people and it's vaguely assuming at best. Also those are pretty extreme blanket statements, you're basically saying that all AS people are geniuses advancing humanity and all NT's are detriments slowing humanity down. I have read quite a bit about AS and nowehere I read that those with the syndrome had a stronger moral compass, or a greater propensity towards good than the rest of humanity. And also, AS is characterized as having an average-range IQ, leading to my confusion about your intellectual elistism. NT's and people with AS are not very different, both are normal people with their own impediments. NT intelligence is often impeded by social pettiness and preoccupation, whereas AS intelligence is often impeded by social inhibitions and anxiety's caused by such.

In other words, there is no big separation. We're basically the same, with relatively minor differences. AS is often called "high-functioning" for a reason due to the somewhat minor differences between neurotypical human behavior.

Un-ban Chever! Viva La Revolucion!