Chaotica wrote:
crackedpleasures wrote:
We have had many such topics, I can recall 4 or 5 of them popping up in less than 2 months. Rather than having the exactly same topic with almost anyone responding in the exactly same way over and over again, I propose the following:
- one topic with "favourite songs" which is pinned/made sticky on top of the page so that new members immediately spot the topic
- every member can make a top20 or, if too narrow, top30
- as the topic remains pinned/sticky and clearly visable, new members won't open an exact copy of the topic but just add their own list to the already existing topic
Now and then we could count the votes and update a sort of "WP All-time Chart".
What do you think of this proposal?
Honestly, we had many topics about favourite songs so far, but each time they re-occur and each time everyone answers more or less the same.
One such topic made sticky so that it always remains on top of the first page, would be a lot easier. Better overview, and new members would just add their own list rather than starting a new topic while not realising the topic's been existing before.
What do you think?
But how is this to be done?
It is quite easy:
- a moderator or site admin creates 1 topic where everyone can post his list
- this topic is made sticky so that it appears and stays on top of the page in the Arts/Wtiting/Music subforum
- in this topic every member posts 1 list of his 20 favourite songs (or we can agree on 30 if 20 is too short)
- once every couple of week we update the chart by counting the votes
It is just meant to be fun rather than an official chart. And most of all: we had "what are your favourite songs" topics before ; having 1 topic which remains sticky is a lot easier as overview to see which members have which musical taste. It is a lot easier than digging for similar topics down the list or always repeating your list when an exactly same topic comes up every 1 or 2 months again.
If you want to see my list, dig for older similar topics as I posted my top20 before. But I would start this topic from scratch one last time, make it sticky and then let new members add their lists. After a while you have everyone's list handy in 1 single topic.
Do what Thou wilt shal be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will. And...
every man and every woman is a star
(excerpt from The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley)
"Od lo avda tikvateinu" (excerpt from the Israeli hymn)