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06 Aug 2008, 7:57 am

I'm aware I'll probably rile a lot of people and get a lot of flak for what I'm about to type, but it drives me utterly mad to read this rubbish and not say anything.

I'm just so sick and tired of the amount of arrogance, stupidity and plain ignorance about AS and Autism as a whole by too many members here. NT's are being described as these...intolerant, hateful, demonic, semi-intelligent beings and Aspies here seem to think this is some...higher power.

I've seen it in so many forms. Here are a few examples...

-Asperger Syndrome is a power given from God.
-Asperger Syndrome gives you logical thinking and rationality.
-Most Neurotypical's view us as inferior, sub-human beings.
-Neurotypical's are going to attempt genocide on us.
-Aspies are ''closer to God''.
-Aspies are some ''other'', more evolved race.
-Aspies will save the world somehow, against the ''New World Order'' or something else. ''Vanguards of cretion''.
-Neurotypical's are evil, at least that's the vibe I'm getting from people on here...
-A cure will be mandatory.

This is just a few of the many.

Autism is not a ''strength''. It is not giving you rational thought, it is not making you intelligent. I've seen a great, GREAT deal of people here say or imply that Aspies are more logical, more rational(including Alex himself, found here-

Apparently, Aspies are also more open-minded, friendly, kind, helpful...give me a break.

Look, before I go on, let me say: I am not trying to advocate a cure(though I would take one). I am not trying to say we are inferior or make us feel shame. But the absence of shame doesn't mean this much pride should take its place! Heck, it isn't even pride, it's arrogance and ignorance. Neurotypical's are NOT these evil people who are dedicated to making you suffer. They are billions of people, and extremely diverse in views. They are not ''dumber'', they do not suffer from a poorer sense of logic or whatever.

And as for the suggesstion that they will attempt genocide...






:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And then some people have the idea that God(who I don't believe in, for the record) gave them this innate ''gift''. Some people even believe we are ''closer'' to God...

My response:


Let's assume, for a moment, that God is real. That the Bible is the truth, all this holy yada yada exists. HOW IS AUTISM HOLY IN THE SLIGHTEST? WHAT GIVES PEOPLE THE TINIEST HINT THAT IT IS CONNECTED TO GOD?

And then there's the people who think we are a ''threat'' to evil. That the ''NWO'' or some other s**t conspiracy-Sorry, I mean someone's ''political views'' are in danger due to Aspies presence. WE ARE NOT SOME RACE OF X-MEN.

And if a cure is developed, no one is going to drive a white van up to your home, bash the door down and drag you off in the nght, strap you to a chair and administer it.

And stop all this feverent ''NO CURE'' rubbish! Fine, you don't want one...well what about the people who DO? If a cure is developed, everyone can be happy. Those who want it can have it, those who don't...well, don't HAVE to take it. What about OTHER forms of Autism, hmm? Because they suffer...greatly.

In conclusion, I am not saying we are sub-human.

But neither are the Neurotypical's. We are not above them, or below them. I feel no shame, but I also feel no pride. This is not something to be worn with a badge of honour, it's just...there. You are not uber logical because of it, and NT's aren't evil and plotting genocide.

Thank you and good day.


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06 Aug 2008, 8:28 am

I'm glad I'm not the only one ... :thumright:


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06 Aug 2008, 8:29 am

Emotions are fallible. Neurotypicals function emotionally. They are therefore inferior.
I function logically. I can survive.

If I need to kill a man to survive; I will weigh that and act accordingly.
If a "normal person" needs to kill a man to survive; he will weigh his emotions. If the man he needed to kill was me - he'd be dead.

What purpose do emotions have if you do not feel them? Illogical to think that this makes us equals...
Foolishness - and what of this "god" issue? A true logical thinker would never raise such a proposition.

Why list two opposing elements as being the same thing? Most peculiar...

Oh, well, fancy that! Isn't that neat, eh?


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06 Aug 2008, 8:32 am

For f**k's sake, are you a machine?! Get down off that high horse, Mister.


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06 Aug 2008, 8:34 am

Did he just imply that Aspies never consider the ethics of something :scratch:


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06 Aug 2008, 8:44 am

No, I implied that their is variation in Asperger form. A true logical would not; but not every Asperger is a true logical.
I am - and what I state about myself is the truth, as I see it.

What I mean is that to lump ALL aspies in the category of superior/logical/regarding themselves as extremely ethical is a useless endeavor.

Oh, well, fancy that! Isn't that neat, eh?


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06 Aug 2008, 8:44 am

Thank You. While I do feel as if I've been discriminated against on several occasions, I didn't view the incidents as outright acts of aggression so much as of ignorance.

"Autism...isn't that what the Rainman had?"

It gets old, but it's a far cry from a white-van eugenic conspiracy.


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06 Aug 2008, 8:52 am

No human is a true logical. Ask Spock, he'll tell you.

Who can be the logical-est? Another variation on Who has the biggest penis?


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06 Aug 2008, 8:54 am

Who can be the logical-est? Another variation on Who has the biggest penis?

In that case I win both rounds, Canadian. (A reference to you northern-hemispherites. Cold. Penis. Geddit? Nah, didn't think you would...)

Oh, well, fancy that! Isn't that neat, eh?


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06 Aug 2008, 9:00 am

Another thing that supremacists seem to conveniently forget is that the "herd instincts" that they so often decry is the reason we have civilization if not the reason that humanity is still else could a group of soft, clawless cave monkeys take over the planet but through teamwork?


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06 Aug 2008, 9:11 am

Paguk wrote:
Another thing that supremacists seem to conveniently forget is that the "herd instincts" that they so often decry is the reason we have civilization if not the reason that humanity is still else could a group of soft, clawless cave monkeys take over the planet but through teamwork?

:hail: :D

The social nature of Homo sapiens is pretty undeniable, as are the reasons for it. Some WP members sneer and call us sheep. All sheep need a shepherd, especially the wayward ones.


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06 Aug 2008, 9:19 am

Apparently, Aspies are also more open-minded, friendly, kind, helpful...give me a break.

This has been proven untrue on so many occasions, by so many people.
I wish people would strive to be that, instead of just assuming they already are.
Quite frankly, with some of the flame wars and arguments that go on here, I have gone from being quite enthusiastic about this almost being afraid to a matter of days.
I appreciate a dissenting opinion and/or theory. But a lot of people seem to conveniently forget that opinions and theories are not least not yet.


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06 Aug 2008, 9:24 am

I'm with the OP on this one. I have many more non-autistic friends than I do Aspie friends, so I find all this NT bashing rather offensive.


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06 Aug 2008, 9:39 am

In many ways, aspies are just like NTs. Our brain is hardwired for systemizing, the NT brain is hardwired for empatizing (as in recognzing other people's emotions--not feeling more compassion than aspies do).

All my friends are NTs, and they're quite patient when it comes to my autistic behaviour.

WP doesn't have a working first amendment.

Fuck. This will override the swear word filter.

Last edited by Reodor_Felgen on 06 Aug 2008, 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Aug 2008, 9:40 am

I am offended by it as well. I find it crass.


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06 Aug 2008, 9:41 am

I hate everyone equally regardless of race, neurology, nationality, ethnicity, class, occupation, IQ and so on.

In truth, most people are irrelevant to me so I don't have any feelings about the vast majority of humans in existence. I do think the human species is one of the worst things to happen to this planet since the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event.