Pook wrote:
Got an aspie ? here. I like food especially carbs and sweets
I also find myself liking the different textures and how a food crunches. Another problem I have is I'm an emotional eater and look out that time of the month. Can anyone relate?
Another emotional eater here. I eat more when I'm feeling some strong emotion--and my weight has definitely fluctuated a lot because of that. I only tend to eat more chocolate/salty stuff when I PMS (the rare times that I do/actually have food cravings). For me, it's helped realizing that "hey, I'm stressed, and I should only eat when I'm hungry...not because I know it will make me feel better". Once I hit that realization I can usually avoid the emotional eating/overeating.
But back on topic, I'm overall happy with my weight. It took me years to realize that I will never be model stick thin (I tend towards the Midwestern farm girl look), and my weight sticks in weird places that no matter how much I exercise won't go away. I dropped to a size 10-12 from my normal 16-18 and was far unhappier at the smaller size than I had been. I didn't eat properly, and I would look at the scale and say "I'm still overweight", and that was a cycle I could see was dangerous (the whole not eating, thinking I'm fat, eating even less, etc). Once I started eating normally again (and put a few pounds back on) I was happier, and my self-esteem/self-image improved immensely. (Plus my significant other at the time liked me curvier, and made it clear they weren't happy I was losing weight like I'd been).
There are only 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.