Elk wrote:
what i dont get is whats the point of playing video games to win the game? uh pass the time? it just doesnt rub me right. i do however like board games like chess and whatnot
Depends on the game really... you're talking about like a single-player game you go through on your own? The point of that is to experience a story, but ideally a
really good game will put you in the story in such a way that you feel you are
living it, the games I obsess about are the ones that really fully immerse me in their world and story (as opposed to a book or movie where you are observing the story, in a good game you are
living the story)
Good games like that are few and far between though, most games are mostly about passing the time, which is why I've been losing interest lately... I just don't have any time left to pass anymore!