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12 Nov 2005, 5:09 am

I've always wondered how cute it would be if an illithid and an elf had a relationship. I just can't stop thinking of how much a female elf would enjoy an illithid softly massaging her head by gripping her head with its tentacles lightly and sucking on her head gently.

It would be so cute! Especially if they had kids and she was the holy nice person type. What lessons papa illithid could teach illithid-elven hybrid junior.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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12 Nov 2005, 9:22 am

You have a bit to much time on your hands don’t you?

As for the workability of that relationship playing fighters has taught me one thing, Elves Split. Lets leave it at that

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Nov 2005, 9:59 am

No ajs. I think Nomaken has had the thought. Like me for example, sometimes I say things like that, and people tell me what You just told Nomaken. But for me its that I think about it, and a whole detailed story comes into my head in a very short time. then every once in a while if I think about it again, I never forget what "facts" and "rules" were in the original story, and my mind sort of adds more to it. :) But I highly doubt Nomaken "JUST" has enough time on hands..

But then again, I have stimmed on thoughts like this in the past just for fun and really spent a long time at that, enjoying my fantasy world. :) So, I guess it can be possible.

Is it Nomaken?

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12 Nov 2005, 10:46 am

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12 Nov 2005, 11:52 am

I suppose it would depend on if it were a High elf or a Dark Elf.

Drow are more accessable of course, but the exotic High elf maiden would be more likely to be good. Then of course there is the delectable brains of the grey elvish...

*wanders off along the tangent*

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12 Nov 2005, 12:27 pm

A consensual relationship? I mean consensual sans brain-altering?

The poor woman. What happens when she finds out what loverboy does in his spare time? Last night I saw an episode of Stargate Atlantis where a man tried to raise a young wraith as his own. She ended up going feral on him... same deal here?

Either way, it's a cool idea for a campaign, though... do you know a GM that'll let you play an illithid?

You have a twisted mind. :wink:


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12 Nov 2005, 12:35 pm

Well, let's admit that she had help going feral. If our well intentioned doctor Carson had not left a dangerous and untested vaccine within her reach we would have been out two episodes of SG:A. :)

It does beg the whole question of nature vs. nurture.

I have allowed a player to play an Illithid in an Underdark campaign. I suspect that others do as well.

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12 Nov 2005, 3:14 pm


No ajs. I think Nomaken has had the thought. Like me for example, sometimes I say things like that, and people tell me what You just told Nomaken.

Sorry, I was being a bit stupid, in my circle of friends that comment means that what you just said was very random and interesting. Forget to allow for normal English language definitions

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12 Nov 2005, 7:44 pm

hmmm, sounds like someone's been playing neverwinter nights :P

but to continue your fantasy....imagine the nights in bed ;)

*debates putting this concept of inter-species marriages into his nwn mod*

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