I haven't changed much as an adult. I still prefer the "pre" to the actual thing. I can't sit down to read a book unless everything in my criteria for "relaxing book reading" is met. A drink, time alone, quiet, house clean, food, no obligations, no interruptions, the right lighting, a comfy place, the best book I've been drooling over, etc.. consequently I haven't read a book in a LONG time. (I have 4 kids.. no quiet here LOL)
Arranging things still makes me happy inside. I no longer "play" like I used to.. but my list making, and organizing play style is now what I do with real issues in adulthood. I have 4 calendars, the computer, my cellphone, and lists and organizing is relaxing to me.
I was like my daughter as a child. Happy to play alone because things always went wrong with others. The more kids the worse it was. But I had this little yearning I guess to play with the neighborhood kids. A tiny bit of longing to be with them. Just like today, I have a yearning to have a "best friend." The kind you see on Hallmark commercials, talking about boys and giggling, and having pillow fights. Alas, I'm almost 30 and I'm guessing that image of "best friend" is a bit outdated. Still, I've never had, so I wonder what its like sometimes.
I see so much of me in my daughter... (she is 5 and diagnosed AS btw)